Classes for creating panels and dialogues - page 4

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Messages about missing resources.

What kind of resources?

For example, if something like the one in the screenshot below, the archive to the last article in the series has all the necessary files, which should be placed in the same folders in the local directory of the terminal.


Archive contents from the article:

It's working
Dmitry Fedoseev:
It's working
(All right!) )

Except that the whole library is more than 3 megabytes in size, and there are a lot of difficulties with installation and it does not compile as quickly as I would like it to.

I think I'd better use my own. Just one file and only 400 kb. It's weird that they call it Hindu code, and some people turn their noses up at it so defiantly, it's amazing. Fast, easy to use, obvious to understand, the very real library for the most real rangers and ninjas, no frills, no frills. Of course some elements are obsolete - all related to scrollbars, there was no mouse_move event in those days, but no big deal.

Of course, the main thing is that Roche responds. But something he doesn't answer stubbornly.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Except that the whole library is 3+ megabytes in size, and there are a lot of installation issues and it doesn't compile as fast as we would like it to.

Well, everything you need for the standard library is downloaded along with the terminal and its updates. That would certainly be easier. And how long is it?

I have this result:

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I think I'd better use my own. Only one file and only 400 kb. Strange that it's called Hindu code, and some have turned their noses up at it so defiantly, it's amazing. Fast, easy to use, obvious to understand, the very real library for the most real rangers and ninjas, no frills, no frills. Of course some elements are outdated - all related to scrolbars, there was no mouse_move event in those days, but no big deal.

It's nice to have a choice. )


P.S. Regarding the size, I will try to gradually compress the code by optimizing it. That's a lot of files. Of course, we may make it so that only what we use will be included. I will think it over.

It takes me a few seconds to compile. Maybe it's something wrong with the computer, but I haven't noticed much slowness in compiling in other cases.
Anatoli Kazharski:

As for size...

It doesn't really matter. I wrote a little differently, don't mind me.
Anatoli Kazharski:

Well, everything you need for the standard library is loaded with the terminal and its updates. It would certainly be easier that way.


It was a better option if it could be used.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
It takes me a few seconds to compile. Maybe it's my computer, but in other cases I haven't noticed any lags during compilation.

I've got it (remembered). I disable code optimization in the file during development:

"MetaTrader 5 pretest\Config\metaeditor.ini"


Author=Copyright 2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp.

If I set it to 1, I get the following result:


This of course takes a very long time when I'm working, so I disable optimization during application development: Optimize=0

In disabled mode, I get the following result:

Dmitry Fedoseev:
It doesn't really matter. I wrote a little differently, don't mind me.
Actually it does, at least for me. I want to get at least close to perfect. It's a long process. )