Stable MTS - page 7


Do you have anything to interest holders of such MTSs?

The creator of such a system will get investors, and a share of the profits from managing their money.
Oleg Shenker:
Colleagues, share your experiences. Has anyone seen real EAs that more or less steadily earn on any type of market?
There is no such thing, there is always a tweak for a particular instrument or group of instruments. But not for everything you can see in the terminal. And in principle, it doesn't matter on what the EA earns. The important thing is that it earns. :)
Oleg Shenker:

My question has every right to exist. As a trader, I am shown presentations about universal robust trading algorithms by all sorts of clever people. I decided to check it out... To see such an algorithm in action. To run it in the tester.

I haven't found anything of the kind myself. So I asked if anyone had seen it.

And everyone here is just blowing off steam instead of saying something to the point. That's page three of bullshit.

There'll be a hundred pages. Because the question is, I showed an analogy.

The "universality" of the trading algorithm, all these "smart guys" understand as the POSSIBILITY of its use on various pairs. And not as a guarantee of profit.

As far as I understand you want a guarantee of profit on ANY symbol at ANY time - this cannot be true, because different instruments behave differently at different moments. Moreover, this behaviour also changes over time.

The techniques themselves are well known, they are all represented in the codbase. The trader's task is to use those that are working at the moment for this instrument and to exclude from trading those that are not working at the moment for this instrument. So, here you have a "universal robust trading algorithm".

Ramiz Mavludov:
And in principle, who cares what an EA earns on... The important thing is that it earns.:)
Oleg Shenker:
The creator of such a system will get investors and a share of the profits from managing their money.
The question can be put another way, why investors if the advisor is going to make money? To be a benefactor? they will not appreciate it! If you have such an advisor, sit back and enjoy life. And fuck off, those investors, nishezbrod.
Oleg Shenker:
The creator of such a system will get investors, and a share of the profits from managing their money.
How much money are we talking about?
How much are we talking about?
Probably the kind that would make a trader feel bad if he lost it? Otherwise, why would the topicstater squander investors with competitors?
Yuriy Asaulenko:

Optimisation in most cases (not all) is a fitting of the answer. And probably, to a large extent, self-defeating. With rare exceptions.

The system must initially be designed to be stable, i.e. small changes in its parameters must lead to small changes in the system output. Such systems do not usually need parameter selection. Usually, it is a small adjustment of the initial settings, and not always the criterion for optimality is an increase in profits.

I don't care what you call it - adjustment, optimization, shamanism etc., as long as it brings real profit in the next few days).

I am not a theorist, I need to make money.

Yury Reshetov:
Probably the kind that would make a trader look bad if he were to lose them? Otherwise, why would the sponsor squander investors with competitors?
And what kind of investor does not take risks into account?
What kind of investor does not take risks into account?

For those who are particularly gifted in the Russian language:

  1. Don't ask questions on a post that has question marks in every sentence. The author of such a post is asking, not asserting or answering questions.
  2. One should not address questions about investors to third parties, but to those who deal with these very investors. That is, in this case the topicstater.