QIWI and Skrill have been added to the register of banned websites.


Often the topic of increasing payment systems on mql was raised on the forum. Many have argued for kiwi or skrill to appear.

And now. Now their sites are on the list of banned sites. Do you think anything will happen next except for blocking sites? Maybe this will squeeze these payment services from the Russian market?

Read more here:


They will clean up the terminals and everything will be fine. kiwi works.
Alexandr Saprykin:

Often the topic of increasing payment systems on mql was raised on the forum. Many have argued for kiwi or skrill to appear.

And now. Now their sites are on the list of banned sites. Do you think anything will happen next except for blocking sites? Maybe this will squeeze these payment services from the Russian market?

Read more here:


Read why they were put on the banned list. It seems like a solid payment system, but it earns money from casino links.
Alexey Busygin:
You should read why they are on the banned list. It seems like a solid payment system, but it earns money from casino links.
They do not have such links on their sites (at least for Kiwi). I personally looked all over not found. And I have never seen them there.
Alexandr Saprykin:
They don't have such links on their websites (at least with Kiwi). I personally searched all over the place and couldn't find them. And I have never seen them there.
Well, they must have cleaned it up right away.
Alexey Busygin:
So they must have cleaned it up straight away.

Look at my last words:

Alexandr Saprykin:
They do not have such links on their sites (at least with Kiwi). I personally went through all of them, did not find them. And I have never seen them there.
Alexandr Saprykin:

Look at my last words:

I haven't seen anything on kiwi either by the way, but skrill had it, once encountered robo deposits with no commissions and other junk.
Vitaly Muzichenko:
I haven't seen anything on kiwi either, but skrill had it, I once saw robo deposits with no commissions and other stuff.
So there was something similar in kiwi as well
Alexey Busygin:
So the kiwi had something similar
no one saw it, but it was there)))
Alexey Busygin:
So it means that the Kiwi had something similar
Vitaly Muzichenko:
They also do not have a commission-free deposit slippers and other stuff.

Do you think it was the skril that was spinning the robot ad? )) It's just that he was participating in Google Ads. And Google shows every visitor ads according to their interests. You're interested in Forex and you're shown a Robo; Auntie Masha is babysitting her grandson and she's shown a nappy ad; the person who made a holiday trip request is shown an ad from an agency.

I once searched for the cost of helicopter rentals and after that Google kept bugging me about helicopters for a month until I realized that I should have switched back to Forex ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Do you think it was the skril that was spinning the robot ad? )) It's just that he was participating in Google Ads. And Google shows every visitor ads according to their interests. You're interested in Forex and you're shown a Robo; Auntie Masha is babysitting her grandson and she's shown advertisements for nappies; the person who made a request about where to go on holiday is shown an offer from an agency.

The other day I was looking for the cost of a helicopter rental and Google kept bugging me about helicopters for a month until I realized that I should have switched back to Forex ))

It turns out that since the gentlemen from Roskomnadzor were shown casino ads ... ... ...