What's important in trading? Discussion - page 7


Yes, indeed. That's a decent answer. You've knocked your opponent's socks off.) Five years of interpretation training won't be enough to disprove it.)

There is no other way to interpret it than as it is clearly and unambiguously written in the scriptures.

But how to instill in a modern person slavish obedience to a man wearing a gold watch and a Mercedes, etc., to the business owner, master.

They probably need five years to learn how to do this.

And it's exactly what the scriptures instill and instill in the mind.

Yes, I have read, am reading and will continue to read the Bible very carefully. Something fits and is perceived very well,

For example, when you read chapter 21 you realize very clearly that it is slavery,

It is a normal phenomenon for religion and it is not about that we are slaves of the God, it is possible somehow to accept.

A believer's morality admits that one man can be another man's slave,

but my morals rebel against it, that is, when one person is the slave of another.

Now that's "worthy" to be quoted.

21 глава

1 И вот законы, которые ты объявишь им:
2 если купишь раба Еврея, пусть он работает шесть лет, а в седьмой пусть выйдет на волю даром;
3 если он пришёл один, пусть один и выйдет; а если он женатый, пусть выйдет с ним и жена его;
4 если же господин его дал ему жену и она родила ему сынов, 
   или дочерей, то жена и дети её пусть останутся у господина её, а он выйдет один;
5 но если раб скажет: люблю господина моего, жену мою и детей моих, не пойду на волю, —
6 то пусть господин его приведёт его пред богов и поставит его к двери, 
   или к косяку, и проколет ему господин его ухо шилом, и он останется рабом его вечно.
7 Если кто продаст дочь свою в рабыни, то она не может выйти, как выходят рабы;

The ideology of slavery is very effectively infiltrated into the consciousness.

It is clear that when the religion was a part of the state the state had to control mainly illiterate masses and the mechanism was very efficient.

Also it is interesting that the word "slave" exists in the books more than 1600 times. But this is not surprising.

But times have changed, slavery is now condemned and is not the norm.

So what to do with the scriptures? That's right, study 5 years to interpret them differently in the modern version, in other words distort them.

You guys are getting deep ))))

Yes, it is. That's a decent answer. You've knocked your opponent's socks off.) Five years of interpretive training won't be enough to disprove that.) Personally, I think it would be better if there were no religions. Different religions only lead to religious wars, distrust and suspicion of one religion towards the other. The adherents of religious doctrines always try to convince everybody that their religion is the right one and the others are wrong. The colonizers brought their religion to the natives with the sword and fire. And modern Wahhabists defend the rightness of their teachings with terrorist acts.

It was not intended to crush - I wanted to get intelligible answers, but it seems one must turn to those who for at least 5 years have had training to answer such uncomfortable questions beautifully.

As I visited the media space, I have never received a sensible answer.

But to go to some priests who break their own commandments, drink and go for a walk with the girls that they have something to explain from the belfry of his 5-year education - I can not.

I am not ready to go to priests who wear expensive gold watches, drive Mercedes, live in luxury homes.

Religion itself, if it does not come, does not interfere in the lives of those who do not want it, does not fight with other religions,

does not go to the state does not saw budget, it is quite normal phenomenon, after all, there is a lot of good in it.

13 Не убивай.
14 Не прелюбодействуй.
15 Не кради.
16 Не произноси ложного свидетельства на ближнего твоего.

17 Не желай дома ближнего твоего; не желай жены ближнего твоего, 
   ни Раба его, ни Рабыни его, ни вола его, ни осла его, ничего, что у ближнего твоего.

Only the 17th is not accepted, again, where to get away from the abundance of slavery in the ideology of religion.

Server Muradasilov:
You guys are going too deep)))

it's like an algorithm - you have to be thorough to the last byte - bit by bit, otherwise it fails!

and if you dive in, first study the bible better than the average priest knows it!

Yuriy Zaytsev:

it's like an algorithm - you have to be thorough to the last byte - bit by bit, otherwise it fails!

If you dive in, first study the Bible better than the average priest knows it!

You have to study at least five religions - the commandments - to get at least the arithmetic mean :)

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Server Muradasilov:

To derive at least an arithmetic mean, you have to study at least five religions - the commandments :)

Yes yes yes ... and it's understandable that it would be difficult.

and usually one religion knows nothing about the other, so... right - war is declared.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Only the 17th is not accepted, again, where to get away from the abundance of Slavery in the ideology of religion.

The social status of the believer is not important. It is everyone's duty to deal with himself, or rather his soul, and dealing with social status is interpreted as pride, vanity - deadly sins.

It seems to me that you do not need it for mockery or to show off your beloved self - you are just thinking and therefore curious.

Easter message. There are several other books out there as well. One of them is rightly called that. Popularly interprets the main points.

And you can and should go to priests, but with quite concrete questions, having prepared yourself and not forgetting that they are also people with all human vices, but due to their specialization can be useful. Useful for their own perfection. That is the purpose of talking to them.

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СанСаныч Фоменко:

The social status of the believer is not important. It is everyone's duty to deal with himself, or rather his soul, and dealing with social status is interpreted as pride, vanity - deadly sins.

It seems to me that you do not need it for mockery or to show off your beloved self - you are just thinking and therefore curious.

Easter message. There are several other books out there as well. One of them is rightly called that. Popularly interprets the main points.

And one can and should go to priests, but with quite specific questions, having prepared oneself and not forgetting that they are also people with all human vices, but due to their specialization can be useful. Useful for their own perfection. That is the purpose of talking to them.


I had an experience of communicating with a sane priest - but he was very young :-) we were drinking together, but we talked about mundane topics only.

I did not take him out for these conversations and he did not start.


According to scripture slavery is not an absolute evil. It is a normal phenomenon for a person who has not matured enough to live independently, i.e. in freedom. It also limits the rights of the slave owner. He can't do whatever he wants with a slave.

And this is from the New Testament.

1 Corinthians7

Whether thou art called a slave, thou shalt not be embarrassed; but if thou canst be made free, thou shalt make the best use of it.
For the servant who is called in the Lord is the Lord's free servant; likewise he who is called free is Christ's servant.
You have been bought with ahigh price; do not be made a slave of men.
In whatrank one is called, brethren, each one shall remain before God.
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Yes, it is. That's a decent answer. You've knocked your opponent's socks off.) 5 years of teaching interpretation won't be enough to disprove it). Personally, I think it would be better if there were no religions. Different religions only lead to religious wars, distrust and suspicion of one religion towards the other. The adherents of religious doctrines always try to convince everybody that their religion is the right one and the others are wrong. The colonizers brought their religion to the natives with the sword and fire. And modern Wahhabists defend the rightness of their teachings with terrorist acts.

It struck me once that a theological seminary has a subject called "Heresies", where they study all religions other than Orthodoxy. A seminarian told me this. And he had an extremely aggressive attitude towards everybody else, except him, after a bottle of vodka, he swore at everybody. It was quite disgusting. And then such a pseudo-patriarch would be sent to some parish.