FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1245


Seeing the pound today so)))) added futures (orange) BUT - purposely multiplied by 0.0001 to make the options levels visible, otherwise one stick of futures is visible...! THANK YOU Strange! Adjusted a can see where and where from... to be clear - the futures price is 1.5433 Dec.

Server Muradasilov:
Let's not do that, I'm more than sure that you have a dead loss, because one of them is still hanging, for example on the USDCAD, it has been a big drawdown for a month already.

I sold it actually) How can there be a hang-up?

In general, I think it's a waste of time to discuss someone else's trading, I personally don't give a damn who's trading with what hand.

Ilya, if you have something to say, explain to the people how to look for entries and how to use CDs for entries and exits.)


Meanwhile, nothing has changed on that long-suffering pound.

On the eu, there's nothing yet either.

I was selling it actually) How can there be a hang-up?


Besides, from those first entries, he was already a few figures ahead. ;)
Evgeniya Balchin:

Seeing the pound today so)))) added futures (orange) BUT - purposely multiplied by 0.0001 to make the options levels visible, otherwise one stick of futures is visible...! THANK YOU Strange! Adjusted it a bit...all can be seen where and from where.

Is it supposed to be the way the numbers are written, on the numbers? And where is row 1-7?
Alexey Busygin:
Is it supposed to be that the numbers are written, on the numbers? Where are the rows 1-7?
I can remove the numbers altogether if they confuse you, you can see everything on the chart. Wrote yesterday what column shows in colour: blue - American op., green - weekly, orange. - futures.... I did not take the euro, I think there is no point.
Evgeniya Balchin:
I can remove the numbers altogether if they confuse you, you can see everything on the chart. I wrote yesterday what column shows which colour: blue - American op., green - weekly, orange. - futures.... I did not take the euro, I think there is no point.
And what conclusion can be drawn from this?
Alexey Busygin:
And what conclusion can be drawn from that?
I'm not a clairvoyant, it's more like 15433 maybe a bit higher and towards 1,530 or so...but it's just a calculation). i.e. not calling for anything, just information on the calculations. you can see the numbers now.
Anatoli Kazharski:
К тому же, от тех первых входов он уже на несколько фигур в плюс успел сходить. ;)
Anatoli Kazharski

Besides, from those first entries he's already been on the upside by a few figures. ;)
Youngsters like to go through other people's poo...)))
Teenagers like to dig in other people's poop)))
when they have time for everything?)