FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1389


Vasya, cretin is the word for criticism.)

So will you say something other than cretinize?

So you don't hear anyone but yourself.

If you're really interested, look in the back. You'll find it there.


So you can't hear anyone but yourself.

If you're really interested, browse backwards. You'll find it there.

I can smell the skin.

It is unlikely that careful selection can guarantee your financial security, for you will have to sue in (1) an offshore jurisdiction and in (2) accordance with the current regulations of the broker, which do not contain a single clause against it (the broker).

It's tantamount to believing in the benevolence and sweet smile of an armed thug. One day he will shoot you anyway. ))

And who told you about guarantees, there will be less risk. Not even Father Christmas gives guarantees.
Alexey Busygin:
And who told you about guarantees, there will be less risk.

It is, rather, only a seeming reduction in risk. Don't be fooled...

Tell me please, will you withdraw your money at the end of the year or leave it in your brokerage account for next year?

I assume that you will keep it. And if the broker does not get a licence from the Central Bank to run/continue a financial business, then how?

Are you sure there are enough funds in the broker's account to give all the traders their money back?

Everyone knows the fact that no bank can pay off its depositors if everyone comes to collect their money at the same time. ))

kids, don't get smart, buy euros)

It is, rather, only a seeming reduction in risk. Don't be fooled...

Tell me please, will you withdraw your money at the end of the year or leave it in your brokerage account for next year?

I assume that you will keep it. And if the broker does not get a licence from the Central Bank to run/continue a financial business, then how?

Are you sure there are enough funds in the broker's account to give all the traders their money back?

Everyone knows the fact that no bank can pay off its depositors if everyone comes to get their money. ))

I of course you lead from the secondary, savings systems subordinate to the broker, I leave exactly as much with the broker as I need to hold positions. That first one, that's how it is! If it goes bankrupt, the hell with it, there is only the broker's money there anyway. Investors are timid people, I think every broker understands that.

1) What difference does it make how much a client invests if the broker does not act on the principle of taking all the money and running away? Someone invested a lakhs, so what if it's just sitting there? The broker gets paid on a VOLUME (=turnover) ?

2) "The client invests less money, proportional to leverage" ? I do not agree - ordinary people just do not have that much money - do you think if you make the leverage = 1, instead of 100, many will invest instead of 1000 quid - 100 000 ? where from - so much money - ordinary people do not have ...

98% - tales - I've given figures several times - 60-80% are lost, see for example Forbuk

"Because neither the spread nor the commission will cover losses from leverage." If a broker puts money on the market he doesn't give a shit if someone wins and leverage has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The risk is there when funds are taken to the market because of the leverage - as I said: heap, so the stop-out does not work, if the position is big client will blow more than the deposit - where the money comes from?

We will continue tomorrow. I have written half a page of the answer, pressed wrong button (second day of drinking, birthday was yesterday, 64 years old), it is lazy to write second time.


I 'm sorry if I've been offended by anything, but I'm sick of it too, as soon as you write something, you start getting clever, not justified objections, your options, but something like "I have sticks here", "I have everything according to plan" and so on.

As to guessing the price schedule, it's not a matter of reasoned objections, but of the "I've got the sticks here, I've got everything planned out" kind of objections.

As for fortune-telling on the price chart, I have said and will continue to say - this is bullshit and those who engage in such fortune-telling are simply uneducated.


Alexei, if you came to the market, saw potatoes for a rouble a kilo and said you would come and buy them in a couple of minutes, you could cheat, but if you bought them, that kilo for a rouble, then there is no chance, the deal is done.

kids, don't get smart, buy euros)
Why don't you tell me what your position is?