FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1349


on the euro today, so there are no illusions)


worked, shut everything down, no illusions:

Why only at brokers? Quotes exist for all currencies... and there are many more than fifty or even a hundred pairs. And deals are counted in dollars, although they can also be counted in tugriks.
This is what I'm talking about. That it is impossible to accurately calculate the income from this market, it is much more than a trillion.
So, are the experts saying that the eu will not go up again today?
So specialists, is the eu not going up again today?
Until Monday, it will definitely fly.

The volume in forex is several trillion dollars, which are bought and sold on a daily basis. It is unrealistic to get information about all trades, because someone who conducts this kind of monitoring spends a lot of money on this espionage, wanting, of course, to return more. And hope that he will share for free, at least naively.

Demand is up (more buyers) - currency is there, supply is up (more sellers) - currency is down - that is the physics of the process.

Do you exclude central banks from circulation? You don't need information about all the trades. It's enough to track the volume of futures on any exchange. And they will be absolutely equivalent, directly proportional.

I wonder, if the quotes on different markets differ by a couple of percent, what will happen?


Do you exclude central banks from circulation? You don't need information about all trades. It is enough to track the volumes of futures on any exchange. And they will be absolutely equivalent, directly proportional.

I just wonder, if the quotes on different markets differ by a couple of percent, what will happen?

Nothing bad will happen.
Alexey Busygin:
Nothing bad will happen for sure!


On the CME, the futures are quoted to sell and to buy 10 pips higher than on the FORTS. You have two accounts - both of them. What do you do? Keep in mind that the objective is to make a profit with minimal risk.


Do you exclude central banks from circulation? You don't need information about all trades. It is enough to track the volumes of futures on any exchange. And they will be absolutely equivalent, directly proportional.

I wonder, if the quotes on different markets will differ by a couple of percent, what will happen?

Have you seen the answer?

Nothing will happen.

These are asphalt children, with the exception of a dozen people there is no one to talk to.


Have you seen the answer?

Nothing is going to happen.

These are asphalt children, with the exception of a dozen people there is no one to talk to.

You just have to wake them up, make them think. It took you a while to learn how to swim, too. Look on the bright side.