FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 66

The old man is being attacked, and he doesn't know what to do with his potatoes He wanted to put them here

Zogman, I can feel that you have never traded in a simple bazaar)))

So let's imagine a bazaar, a bunch of potato sellers, they all have a price of about a tenner per kilo, they are expensive, very expensive, there are no buyers, and there is silence.

And now imagine that there is a market maker. He must act as a counterparty to the transaction if the other party is absent. And he buys ten roubles from everyone who wants to sell. Where does that lead to? Price rises to 11. What happens next? People, seeing that tomorrow it might be even more expensive, rush to buy, the price is 12, 13, 14, the buyer goes. The stock of potatoes is running low. Who sells them for 12, 13, 14, 15? The same MM who buys at 10-11, he has liquidity, that is, when the sellers run out of potatoes, he discounts his, the volume goes up. И? Then what? Price collapses. So much for love.)

the key point is "the price goes up to 11" - why? the price was 10, it can also go down to 9 - mm will be at a loss...

and by your logic if it was 9 then it will become 8 and then 7 ....

Trading on the street, I asked a question on the forum about how the exchanger works - no one can deny it either, but everyone is twisting their thumbs obviously ...


I do not understand how a simple Moscow-based exchanger works (the algorithm by steps - what spread to put, where to overlap a lot of options - I wrote in detail).

- i do not understand - can you tell me about it or is it a super secret knowledge?

the exchanger is Forex in miniature - he is a liquidity provider for us ordinary people ...

That's just a little something extra. Chew on that.)

I'm going to the woods.
Московская Биржа - Рынки - Маркет-мейкинг
Маркет-мейкер  за плату поддерживает цену и (или)  спрос, и (или) предложение, и (или) объем торгов в отношении срочных контрактов путем подачи и одновременного поддержания двусторонних котировок. Маркет-мейкер не имеет преимуществ перед другими участниками торгов в части выставления и исполнения заявок. С параметрами обязательств...
GopFX __:

It's just an addition to it. Chew on it )))

I'm off to the woods.

++++++++++++++++++++++++ one more person who wrote something concrete with a link to the facts ! Eugenia and Danila are great!

Ps I wrote about it but there was no link - Danila found it


key point "price goes up to 11" - why ? the price was 10, it can also go down to 9 - mm will be at a loss ....

and by your logic if it was 9 then it will become 8 and then 7 ....

Trading on the street, I asked a question on the forum about how the exchanger works - no one can deny it either, but everyone is twisting their thumbs and it is obvious to them ...


I do not understand how a simple Moscow-based exchanger works (the algorithm by steps - what spread to put, where to overlap a lot of options - I wrote in detail).

- i do not understand - can you tell me about it or is it a super secret knowledge?

the exchanger is Forex in miniature - he is a liquidity provider for us ordinary people ...

If you do not even understand it, what are you doing here?

The banks have run out of money changers now?)))

In general, so, the rules of trading anything and anywhere is ALWAYS the same.

And the rest is up to your wits. Bye)

They're all over Old Man, and he doesn't know what to do with his potatoes He wanted to put them here

Yes I did - they don't eat, their teeth haven't grown yet and are unlikely to do so)))

GopFX __:

That's just a little something extra. Chew on that.)

I'm going to the forest.
It's just not interesting there, there are much more interesting pages)

The only difference here is that I draw a line for the future movement of the currency (specifically the euro) and they draw a line for the future movement of the currency.

following in the footsteps, so to speak, of ..... go for it...

Oh Great

And what are you doing there? ))))


++++++++++++++++++++++++ one more person who wrote something concrete with a link to the facts ! Eugenia and Danila are great!

Ps I wrote about it but there was no link - Danila found it

You're kidding!))) You were given the link ages ago))) Hit me!)
They jumped on Old Man and he doesn't know what to do with his potatoes He wanted to sell them here
And they were still selling around the corner... and tomorrow they said gas prices would go up...
Let's see if it affects the price of potatoes)))

I'm used to this kind of bummer by now...

Where's the mighty Stolnik gone? Washing himself in a bathhouse or in an ambush?

It's like Strange said, "I know this, you make assumptions."