How do I check the operation of the data centre? - page 2

I copied to the aforementioned folder (Data Center\bases) all the history I had from this terminal and got such miracles on all terminals, working with Data Center:
03:30:37 'MetaTrader 4.00 build 184 started<br / translate="no"> 03:30:39 '110232': login (4.00, #283227B6)
03:30:42 '110232': login (4.00, #283227B6)
03:47:29 '110232': DataCenter connecting failed [6]
03:47:31 '110232': connect failed [6]
03:47:36 '110232': login (4.00, #2832F0DF)
03:47:44 '110232': login (4.00, #2832F0DF)
03:47:45 Old tick GBPUSD15 1.7429/1.7433
03:47:45 Old tick EURUSD1440 1.1769/1.1772
03:47:45 Old tick EURUSD43200 1.1769/1.1772
03:47:45 Old tick EURUSD15 1.1769/1.1772
03:47:46 GBPUSD15 old tick 1.7429/1.7433
03:47:46 Old tick EURUSD1440 1.1769/1.1772
03:47:46 Old tick EURUSD43200 1.1769/1.1772
03:47:46 Old tick EURUSD15 1.1769/1.1772
03:47:46 Old tick GBPUSD15 1.7429/1.7433
03:47:46 Old tick EURUSD1440 1.1769/1.1772
03:47:46 Old tick EURUSD43200 1.1769/1.1772
03:47:46 Old tick EURUSD15 1.1769/1.1772
Figured it out - after installing the new terminal and connecting it to the data centre, the files started to be written to the Data Center\bases folder. <br/ translate="no"> Is it supposed to be like that (I mean the previous post) or is it an error?

The datacenter caches the history bases in memory and resets them to disk only when needed (at exit or reinitialization). Stores files in /bases directory

We are dealing with old tick - can't catch the situation yet.
Datacenter caches the history bases in memory and resets them to disk only when needed (at exit or reinitialisation). It stores the files in the /bases directory

but if i downloaded 10 m of history and the lights went out - should i download the files again?
I wish they would at least make a byte-by-byte reset on HDD - it's a pity both for time and traffic...
Датацентр кеширует базы истории в памяти и сбрасывает на диск только по необходимости (на выходе или переинициализации). Хранит файлы в каталоге /bases

What if I downloaded 10 metres of stories and the power went out - do I have to download again?
I wish they would at least do a byte-by-byte reset on HDD - it's a shame about the time and traffic...

Thank you, we will think about it.
When restarting the computer, should it be reset to disk?
I rebooted on purpose to save my results, and the history files in the DataCenter folder are half the size of those in the terminal folder...
Although I haven't tried to download them yet, but there is no "physical" data...
Is this normal?
At least you won, but I still can't get it to work. Installed version 282, at first startup saw "Running" status, went to terminal, but Test swore, said - "This is not datacenter... go to hell" (in 281 at least he did not swear, but silently ignored, all was OK). I went back to the settings, and there the familiar status - "Unknown".

SZS I had to install with Admin rights. If I opened settings with Admin rights - status "Running", does it mean that I must start terminals with Admin rights too (of course I can check this later, I am interested in theoretical answer)?
Is that why the terminals don't care about everything I set in the data centre?
Permissions - whatever =) at least, in XP SP2 ru
I also so argued, and the reason was in the access mask )
I just put the datacenter, set the access from 192.168,0,1 to 192.168,0,10 - the terminal argued.
I set it back to 192.168,0,255 - it worked. And in general, try to remove restriction - maybe it just won't let to you...
And experiment with datacenter address in terminal settings - try all your IPs. If it thinks for a long time, it is trying to search the Internet and says it is not accessible. If it immediately says "this is not the MT server", it means that there is something wrong with the access rights.
Don't forget to stop before making any changes, then start again...
If it immediately says "this is not a DT MT", there must be something wrong with the access rights. <br / translate="no"> Don't forget to stop before making any changes, then start again...

It gives right away, doesn't even question it .
Try entering a different i-address - will there be a delay?
have you tried removing access restrictions?