Make your first million - page 118


Well... Our Guyavata Daniel has a 1% return and the chart is, as always, "Alligator opening its mouth" type.

Waiting for the continuation of the Marlezonian ballet...

George Merts:

Well... Our Guyavata Daniel has a 1% return and the chart is, as always, "Alligator opening its mouth" type.

Waiting for the continuation of the Marlezonian ballet...

Don't put your finger in it. You never know.
Alexandr Murzin:
A missile with multiple warheads?
inside - the best part - the fucking Kinder Surprise
George Merts:

Well... Our Guyavata Daniel has a 1% return and the chart is, as always, "Alligator opening its mouth" type.

Waiting for the continuation of the Marlezonian ballet...

1.33 to be more precise ))

Yes, I repent - that's my problem - well, I can't make friends with the alligator - make him mouth not open Hungry dog ))

About the ballet - yes, you'll still be surprised, don't doubt ;)
The crocodile looks out of the river as much as he feeds it.
Alexander Laur:

Since we have a clear concept of +10% per day, I will put the % for this concept in brackets in the final value. For the sake of clarity. :)

Data as of today:

Today (28.05.15): +15.87%.

Total for 13 days: +146.90% (245.22%)

Summary: ungodly behind. :)

What happened ?

Why is it -68 ?

Daniil Stolnikov:
1.33 to be more exact ))

Yes, I repent - that's my problem - I can not make friends with the alligator - make his mouth hungry dog ))

About the ballet - yes, you'll be surprised, don't doubt ;)

Danil, what is your system if it's not a secret?

How much leverage do you have?

Daniil Stolnikov:

Yes, I repent - that's my problem - I can't make friends with the alligator - I can't make his mouth hungry dog ))

About the ballet - yes, you'll be surprised, don't doubt ;)

I've already told you a hundred times - until you formalize your TS, or, better, write an owl using it, you won't see any other charts, and, consequently, you won't surprise me.

That's if you do it - well, then anything is possible...

Daniil Stolnikov:
like blind kittens in a bucket ))

pour it on, don't get distracted...


Danil, what is your system if it's not a secret?

What leverage are you opening with?

My leverage is oh.... huge 1:1000.

I have no system, as Laryx says). He's the analyst. We'll trust him.