Theorem on the presence of memory in random sequences - page 42

Joo Zepper:

yeah yeah... that's +100500.

And a seventh volume, like "List of the most absurd uses of AU.", where of course there must be one thread from this forum.

You didn't make it through the TAU... But that's no reason to repeat stupidity.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
So correct the links. Or do you think you're a king, letting the serfs eat it up, bend your back, rub your hand. Yes?
You're out of your mind ;)))
Олег avtomat:
brains are on the fritz ;)))
What else is there to make of such references? Either you don't have the traction, or you don't give a shit about people. What other options are there?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What else is there to understand about such links? Either you don't have the traction or you don't give a shit about people. What are the other options?

Look at the bottom -- see the link? Or didn't you see it again? Click ;)))

К проблеме неопределённости.
К проблеме неопределённости.
Рынок как целое -- система детерминированная. - - Категория: общее обсуждение
Олег avtomat:
You haven't mastered the TAU... But that's no reason to be stupid again.
Your kungfu TAU is stronger than mine. I can't do that to my brain and my sanity. It's easier to admit you're right.
Олег avtomat:

Look at the bottom -- see the link? Or didn't you see it again? Click ;)))

Can't you count? There are four links in the comment and only one at the bottom.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Can't you count? There are four links in the commentary and only one at the bottom.

You try to understand what it says in the link.

Олег avtomat:

You try to understand what it says in the link.

That's what I answered here a long time ago.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
That's what I answered a long time ago here.
Only you have no understanding - it follows from your words.
Олег avtomat:
only you have no understanding -- it follows from your words.
There's no point in looking for meaning where there can't be any.