F - page 4



... But no, bonus dtz handouts are used. And why are the experiments being carried out exactly in the place where these bonuses are handed out?

Here you're clearly implying an alleged collusion between me and this company. I declare responsibly: there is no collusion, such hints are a provocation.

But, as I understand it, my words will not convince you ... And no arguments from the outside will not convince you, no matter how many of them there are. Until you see, feel and believe it, right?

But there is, however, an effective way to prove it.


Here you are clearly hinting at an alleged collusion between me and the company. I declare responsibly: there is no collusion, such hints are provocations.

But I understand that you will not be convinced by my words... And no arguments from outside won't convince you, no matter how many arguments you have. Because until you see and touch you will not believe, right?

But there is, however, an effective way to prove it.

I've already felt it. Have you forgotten?
I don't need proof. if you do something publicly, do it transparently, and no one needs to prove anything. you and others have repeatedly told me that what you are doing is not trading. it's something that looks like "balance building sports" and not trading. it is very profitable for the companies that are eating neophytes like boars, who go straight to their mouths with open mouths. you are doing a great job of that.

Of course, if you're told to "show me the code", you'll answer with a high beard, "I don't owe anyone anything". then why are you making such a circus?
I already did. Have you forgotten?
I don't need proof. if you do something publicly, do it transparently, and no one needs to prove anything. I have told you and others repeatedly that what you are doing is not trading. it is something akin to "balance building sports", not trading. it is very profitable for the offices that swallow neophytes like boars, who go mouth to mouth with open mouths. you are achieving this goal perfectly.

if someone tells you "show me the code", with a high beard you say "i don't owe anyone anything". then why are you making such a big deal out of it?

It's been a long time since then...

But you still don't understand what I'm looking for, even though I've said it many times before. You talk about some "balance sports", you stigmatize offices, you show increased concern for neophytes... What's that about? What are you talking about? Or do you think that finding an algorithm for working in the market is no longer a trader's job?

And I really do not have to "show the code" to anyone.


Aside from your opinion on "equity drawdown", there are other community members' opinions on the subject:

What kind of drawdown do you consider acceptable


It takes at most a week to test the system for profits.

And then either throw it away because it's useless or earn it. And not to squeeze tits with five-buck reals.


It takes at most a week to test the system for profits.

And then either throw it away due to uselessness or earn it. And not to squeeze tits with five-buck reals.

You're an expert on tits and ass... I couldn't resist blurting something with tits in it... an aesthete with a shell... ;)))))

Results of the fourth week of work ( 2.02. -- 6.02. 2015.)

There was a collapse this week :

It's about time we added a ballot to the thread : Will the goal be achieved? YES NO

I don't know how to do this.


There was a collapse this week :

It's about time we added a ballot to the thread : Will the goal be achieved? YES NO

I don't know how to do this.

The possibility of voting should have been provided for from the start. The topic cannot be turned into a vote.
The possibility of voting should have been provided for from the start. You can't turn a topic into a vote.

Too bad...

But I think a separate ballot can be set up with a link to the topic.

It's very interesting to get opinions.

Please tell me how to do it.


Too bad...

But I think a separate ballot can be set up with a link to the topic.

It's very interesting to get opinions.

Suggest how to do it.

How to create a poll or thread in the forum