All freelancers are welcome to respond

Have there been any interesting (in terms of robustness) TS ideas out of the thousands of jobs you have done? Have you come across anything that allowed you to take a different look at your personal TS, to improve their trading ideas? Did it give you an incentive to research the market again?

And finally, how does working in a jube affect your vision of opportunities to make profit from speculations on the market (without the use of Signals and Expert Advisors)?

I don't freelance here, but there have been many orders. The answer is all utter nonsense compared to my work. I'm not bragging, just the facts.

Also, half or more of the orders are malicious martingale. And all those who ordered martinets are people without education, who do not understand what statistics are.


Moreover, all those who ordered the martins are people with no education ...

unwarranted nonsense

I'm not freelancing here, but there have been a lot of orders. The answer - all a complete nonsense compared to my work. I'm not bragging, just the facts.

blah, blah, blah:

"My light, mirror, tell me.
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the fairest of them all?
"Am I the sweetest and whitest in the world?"
And the mirror answered:
"Thou, indeed, art the fairest of them all.
"You, queen, are the fairest of them all.
"You're the prettiest and the whitest.
And the tsarina laughed,
And shrug her shoulders.
And wink her eyes,
and with her fingers to flick,
And twirl her arms.
And look proudly in the mirror.

A.S.Pushkin. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes.

unwarranted nonsense

blah, blah, blah:

"My light, mirror! Tell me!
Tell me the truth:
"I'm the sweetest man in the world,
"Am I the sweetest and whitest of all?"
And the mirror answered:
"Thou, indeed, art the fairest of them all.
"You, queen, are the fairest of them all.
"You're the prettiest and the whitest.
And the tsarina laughed,
And shrug her shoulders.
And wink her eyes,
and with her fingers to flick,
And twirl her arms.
And look proudly in the mirror.

A.S. Pushkin. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Noblemen

Andrei, just don't split up.

Everyone can have their own opinion.



The answer is all utter nonsense compared to my work. I'm not bragging, just the facts.

How can you assess the effectiveness of a development without having access to the results of the development.

Andrei, just don't split up.

Everyone can have their own opinion.

Well, OK, then let 's support [leave only] the opinion of someone who has written ONLY ONE job in Freelance -- and yet with full self-awareness declares (highlighted in his quote).


I don't freelance here, but I've had lots of orders. The answer is all complete non-results bullshit compared to my work. I'm not bragging, just the facts.

Also, half or more of the orders are malicious martingales. And, all who ordered martinets are people with no education, who don't understand what statistics are.

as in my opinion -- lines from Pushkin's fairy tale -- appropriate -- and then, you're right -- everyone has an opinion

p.s. or does my reply violate forum rules?


Andrei, just don't split up.

Everyone can have an opinion.

And if the opinion reeks of stupidity.

Well, OK then, let's support the opinion of someone who has written ZERO jobs in Freelance -- and yet with full self-consciousness declares (highlighted in his quote).

Well, the presence of work in freelance doesn't mean anything, there was no freelance before, but freelancers were there and customers were there and customers ordered freelancers.
And if an opinion reeks of stupidity.
How about a stick to hit you over the head for stupidity? )
I don't know vinin personally but I don't know him personally - he is not known as a freelancer.

The service of Freelance doesn't matter - for example, Victor (vinin) also has zero work in Freelance - but still, no one can say that he has nothing to do with Freelance - and there are many others like vinin.

But VDev as a freelancer is not known to me personally

It's just that freelancing has always been there (exaggeratedly of course). There were only 2-3 normal EAs out of several hundred, and even then, without additional information, they were not very profitable. Information - additional analysis, which was done by someone else