Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 33

Holy shit...
I'm shocked myself, at least it was only a bit and a half )

Some kind of a stiletto came out:


on the minutes this is not the case:

And I am defiantly silent. I don't say anything at all. Like a fish out of a bottle.)

Why did you collapse the bit?


FBI agents in San Francisco have arrested Silk Road website owner William Ross Ulbricht. The man is accused of drug trafficking, computer hacking and conspiracy to launder money, Reuters reports. It is possible that the list of articles charged against the programmer will grow.

Silk Road was a major marketplace for illegal substances, including cocaine and heroin. The site operated in the shadow sector of the Internet. The portal opened in 2011, later its creator sold the resource to U.Ulbricht, who continued illegal activities.

The hunt for a new owner of the portal, which gained the status of an analogue of or eBay for drug addicts, continued for several years.

Symbolically, Ulbricht was detained a few weeks after he gave an interview to the American magazine Forbes.

The Silk Road website brought the owner tens of millions of dollars a year. The owner, known by the nickname Pirate Roberts, wrote political manifestos aimed at defending internet freedom. The programmer noted that he was being hunted "at the highest level".

The businessman made sure that visitors to the site remained anonymous. First, the user had to install the Tor network, then exchange their real money for the digital cryptocurrency Bitcoin, and then they could proceed with their purchases. In addition to heroin, methamphetamine and other drugs, weapons, fake IDs and counterfeit cigarettes were available for purchase. About 60,000 people visited the site every day. The owner categorically denied any involvement in drug sales, saying the site simply allowed different people to negotiate a deal.

Internet technology experts say Silk Road has become a flagship of today's online black market and a major threat to any government. Following the site's emergence, similar websites specialising in selling drugs sprang up like mushrooms after the rain.

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And I am defiantly silent. I don't say anything at all. Like an abluded fish.)

The news is the reason.

No time :)
ФБР задержало владельца сайта Silk Road - ПОЛИТ.РУ
ФБР задержало владельца сайта Silk Road - ПОЛИТ.РУ
Сотрудникам ФБР удалось арестовать владельца интернет-портала Silk Road Уильяма Ульбрихта, на сайте которого были размещены объявления о продаже наркотических веществ и оружия, сообщает Reuters. Ульбрихту были предъявлены обвинения в распространении наркотиков, кибератаках и отмыванию денег. В ФБР не исключают возможность появления новых...


Well, yes, it's cold because it's the cause. The reason is autumn. What a surprise.
the bitcoin is back on track, apparently let go ))))
it sucks they don't have webmoney, I wanted to buy it for 75 ((((