The role of psychology in auto-trading - page 2


Never mind, it's the little things. Atmospheric pressure.
It's a full moon.
It's a full moon.
I am influenced by the forces of nature. )) When I let go, I get insights and new ideas. ))
I am influenced by the forces of nature. )) When I let go, insights and new ideas come. ))
We've got a full moon here, and everyone's got one, just hang on.)

This I will write without references, but quickly and effectively can be trained only and only a month or two months of daily work in online mode (video, Skype) with a teacherwho can prove their level and the result.

But of course do not forget about the personal psychology, as well as that some people simply do not give ... (Well, this shouting about forex-fraud).

It would be interesting to see how this man would respond to a number of my questions. I assume that he would have refused to teach. ))) I would still check the proposed algorithm programmatically to identify system weaknesses. This is necessary to know what to do in such situations. And such problematic situations are not as numerous as some people think. Not an infinite number. ))
When there's a full moon, everyone has the same epiphany, just hang on.)
You don't have to hold on, you just fly right out into space. You can see better from there. ))
It would be interesting to see how this person would answer a number of my questions. I assume he would refuse to teach. ))) I would still check the proposed algorithm programmatically to identify system weaknesses. This is necessary to know what to do in such situations. And such problematic situations are not as numerous as some people think. Not an infinite number. ))

Basic - investment access to the account, long-term exposure to the market, test access to the online trading team for a week, etc...

Not all algorithms can be requested to check their performance, stability, etc... Except for our Asses )))

This is still subject to a clear formalization of the TA...And what to say about the FA, or reports SOT, OpenInterest.

PS.By the way, a question to programmers. Daily on FTP posted ZIP archive. There are about 70 files PDF. From one need to tear out the data and write in CSV.

Is it really done? It is exhausting to spend 2 minutes by hand)))).


PS.By the way, a question to programmers.Daily on FTP posted ZIP archive.It has about 70 files PDF.From one need to tear out the data and write to CSV.

Is it really done? It is exhausting to spend 2 minutes by hand)))).

I found this article on the subject: Text at any cost: PDF
Текст любой ценой: PDF
Текст любой ценой: PDF
Продолжаем разбирать текстовые форматы на предмет получения текста. Итак, обещанный ранее PDF. С portable document format'ом не всё так просто, как DOCX или ODT, что мы рассматривали в прошлый раз, но всё же это всё ещё изначально текстовый, а не бинарный формат. Вы удивлены? Тогда давайте посмотрим на то, что там внутри. Дальше действительно...

Is this really done? It's tedious to just spend 2 minutes manually ))) .The question so far is general.

It's quite possible that you can use VBA to read this data directly into Excel . If I have time and find a solution before you do, I'll write.

Thank you Anatoly.It is very difficult.To bother with such a topic because of a long term strategy,and spending 2 minutes(daily) for typing.In my opinion.

And for me, efficiency is very important.

Thank you.

07.31.2012-15.02.34 - karlson2007's library
07.31.2012-15.02.34 - karlson2007's library
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Thank you Anatoly.It is very difficult.To bother with such a topic because of the long term strategy,and spending 2 minutes(daily) for typing.In my opinion.

By the way, you can take screenshots and directly send them to via the terminal's standard"Save as picture" function.

It looks like this:

График GBPJPY, H1, 2012.07.29 10:02 UTC, FXDD, MetaTrader 5, Demo
График GBPJPY, H1, 2012.07.29 10:02 UTC, FXDD, MetaTrader 5, Demo
Символ: GBPJPY. Период графика: H1. Брокер: FXDD. Торговая платформа: MetaTrader 5. Режим торговли: Demo. Дата: 2012.07.29 10:02 UTC.