Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 73

Edgar Akhmadeev:

COMCON... Massarakhsh-e-Massarakhsh!

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Coordinating Committee for Export Controls

The Coordinating Committee for Export Controls, better known asCoCom orCOCOM, is an international organization established in 1949 to exercise multilateral export control over exports to the USSR and other socialist...

It was such a joke. A reference to the Strugatsky's.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

It was a joke like that. A reference to the Strugatskys.

Apparently it didn't catch the Strugatsky's, but COMCON 1C only got it later.... planet))))

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Vectors are our everything)))

The main thing is to choose the right one).

Создана платформа для обучения моделей ИИ без навыков программирования
Создана платформа для обучения моделей ИИ без навыков программирования
  • 2020.12.18
  • Степан Икаев
«Благодаря преимуществам автоматизации искусственного интеллекта в виде действительно современного интерфейса взаимодействия с пользователем, AI Studio удовлетворяет уникальные потребности клиентов в периферийных сценариях использования, обеспечивая простоту в разработке, развертывании и управлении приложениями. Платформа также подходит для...
It has to be said that the "brain power" of robots, with their built-in powerful software, far exceeds that of the human beings who created them. This poses a tremendous threat to all civilization. At this stage of development, the brain, people cannot even imagine or formulate the configuration and consequences of these threats. The main thing is not to create physically tangible robots, it is enough to keep them forever in the bowels of the computer. and their power supply is controlled by humans. An example of the power of robots is shown in particular here .
Как и где лучше разместить мониторинг реального счета для всеобщего обозрения участникам форума?
Как и где лучше разместить мониторинг реального счета для всеобщего обозрения участникам форума?
  • 2020.12.22
Торговля ведется на ВПС наа EUR/USD постоянным лотом 0,01, депозитом 60 у.е...

It is necessary, immediately. by law, to prohibit such developments and severely punish anyone who violates them.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

It is necessary, immediately. by law, to ban the implementation of such developments and severely punish anyone who violates them.

Yusuf, you have a strange, donkeyish attitude, against the wind, what is the point of that? If something has already happened or is happening it is a priori objective and conditioned by something. Eliminate the causes, what's the use of fighting the consequences?

Murphy's law is a joking philosophical principle formulated as follows:

Anythingthat can go wrong will go wrong.

The foreign general counterpart of the Russian "law of meanness", "law of the sandwich" and "general effect".

... According to legend, the phrase ("If there are two ways of doing something, with one of them leading to disaster, someone will choose this way") was first said when a started up aeroplane engine started turning the propeller the wrong way. As it turned out later, the technicians had installed the parts backwards.


I will point out -Lifelong Learning,... Continuouslearning of the model with correct answers and thematic dialogues.

Появились два аватара на основе ИИ, которые могут поддерживать разговор
Появились два аватара на основе ИИ, которые могут поддерживать разговор
  • 2020.12.19
Компания Fable Studio представила двух цифровых аватаров на основе ИИ, которые имитируют настоящих собеседников. Инженеры стартапа назвали их Чарли и Бек — исследователи утверждают, что они ведут такие же разговоры, как и обычные люди. Компания рассчитывает на то, что их персонажи будут коммерчески успешны на рынке, так как люди ищут...