Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 969

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

it is useless to argue, for my taste this editor looks ugly in any color scheme, language too

I think you've seen the code in python, IDE vscode and jupiter notebook yourself

No need to argue, no need to make pejorative assessments.

Everyone uses what they are used to, useful, simple, etc.

I respect the different approaches, but I do not like it when they start to ooham that without deep knowledge of the subject.

There is no need to lead discussions into dead ends like R vs Python vs Java or Windows vs Linux. They are of no avail, only nerves.

Good luck

Vladimir Perervenko:

Stupidity upon stupidity.

1. Packages/modules in Python can be loaded with pip install / conda install and the same name packages may not have the same content at all. And this perl " the only source of the distribution there is the python site :)" should be put in the anals.

2. Neither IPython nor anaconda are extensions for MO. The former is a simple editor with line/block code while anaconda is a package management system (like a repository) and not only Python but also R.

If you want to show off your knowledge, have it. Otherwise you are showing your amateurism.

Be modest.

I don't understand what's the point of your grumbling in general, you took out some words and wrote a bunch of rubbish.

If you want pictures - here's 3 minutes to install xgb on a new computer and teach the test example. What else do you need? Don't you have anyone else to argue with for R? :)))

Vladimir Perervenko:

There is no need to argue, no need to make pejorative assessments.

Everyone uses what he is used to, more useful, easier, etc.

I respect the different approaches, but I do not like it when they start to praise something without deep knowledge of the subject.

There is no need to lead discussions into dead ends like R vs Python vs Java or Windows vs Linux. They are of no avail, only nerves.

Good luck

I wrote respectfully that R and R studio is an ugly language and IDE, but I have the utmost respect for those who manage to work with it without tears

The monkey became weak-eyed in her old age;
And from men she has heard,
That this evil is not yet so great a hand:
It's only worth getting Glasses.
She got half a dozen glasses for herself;
She twirls her Glasses this way and that:
She presses them to her skin, then she puts them on her tail,
and then she smells them, and then she licks them;
The glasses have no effect whatsoever.
"Phew! - she says, "and he's a fool,
Who listens to the people's lies:
They only told me all about the Glasses;
But they're no use to me."
And the marmoset, in her anger and sadness.
She hit them so hard on a rock,
"And it made a splash.

Unfortunately, that's the way it is with men:
No matter how useful a thing is, it's worthless,
The ignorant man's knowledge of it is all for naught;
But if the ignorant be more learned,
He persecutes it as well.
show the equity graph, monkey))
Fable Monkey and Glasses - Analysis
Krylov's Fable Monkey and Glasses is remarkable in the first place because the main idea in it is expressed not only in morality, the main irony is in the text. The attentive reader will easily understand that the Monkey plays the role of ignoramus, and the glasses are directly associated with science. People-Marmoskas, who know nothing about science, farsighted and sharp-sighted as eyeglasses are, often by their ignorance, only make everyone around them laugh. Ignorance, especially of high-ranking officials, affects everyone around them. The irony is that they cannot hide their simplicity and ineptitude.

show the equity graph, monkey)) - analysis

The phrase "show me the equity chart, you monkey" is first of all remarkable for the fact that its main idea is expressed not only in morals, the basic irony is between the lines. An attentive reader will easily understand that the monkey plays the role of an ignoramus and "show me the equities chart" is directly associated with trading. People-marmosets, who know nothing about trading, often make everyone around them laugh with their ignorance. Ignorance, especially of high-ranking R adepts, affects everyone around them. The irony is that they can't hide their simplicity and incompetence.


Good news. Packagejsr223: A Java Platform Integration for R with Programming Languages Groovy, JavaScript, JRuby (Ruby), Jython (Python), and Kotlin is out.

For those who work with these languages, it's easier to attach scripts to MT.

Good luck.

Vladimir Perervenko:

Good news. Packagejsr223: A Java Platform Integration for R with Programming Languages Groovy, JavaScript, JRuby (Ruby), Jython (Python), and Kotlin is out.

For those who work with these languages, it's easier to attach scripts to MT.

Good luck.

Imho, this is a perversion - from Python or Java to R, and from there to MT.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I left forex a long time ago, and I advise you to do the same.

Now I'm testing a strategy with minimum volume on bitcoin futures.

Started to participate in numerai again -
Can you do 0.691616 and 83.33% in python?

All this on pure standard R, even trading on cryptocurrency.

I only saw your demo signal, which you deleted, but at least it still has a screenshot -
Please make the signal 424027 public again, I really want to see how your "there are better updates, such as the screenshot above. Next week I will upload a new one already".