Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1520


What's there to check? You open at any brokerage house and look at the spread... close

Such strategies worked 7 years ago or even earlier. Time loss.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Such strategies worked about seven years ago and before. Loss of time.

What strategies?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

What's there to check? You open at any brokerage house and look at the spread... close

Such strategies worked 7 years ago or even earlier. Loss of time

yes, the spread is huge

there may be a grail nevertheless


What strategies?

Well, the shaggy ones. DTs fought and fought with them, but in the end they did not come up with anything cleverer than raising the spreads.

And there's nothing left to trade on the day

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Well, they're shaggy. DTs fought and fought with them, but in the end they did not come up with anything cleverer than raising the spreads.

What's left to trade on the day?

Where is the shaginess?


Where's the hairiness?

Who has where?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Who has where.



What to read on entropy and fractals... just curious

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

What to read on entropy and fractals... just curious.

Wow, even in Russian, thank you.


Well, yes, the spread is gigantic.

but there may be a grail nonetheless


Fluffy quotes.

Eh, youngsters....

You need to distinguish between market bid\ofer and dealer bid\ofer, on such low-liquidity dealer varies the spread depending on the market situation, but this does not mean that the price walks like that, no transactions occur, these are not market quotes, spread widening does not remove the limiter.