Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1224

Kesha Rutov:

There is an example of a code from Yury Reshetov, but you should not expect feedback from him, they say he introduced himself.

The main thing is to think about what you do, first think and then do, neural networks need to be able to prepare, not everyone can do it, to read Voronov must be educated, mathematician or physicist, otherwise it can be bad, he cuts through math and theory mercilessly, pressures and pressures, you must be able to keep the blow, not to sag.

I've already read 50 pages of his first course of lectures man really cool explains!) just understand what's what and why...but there really matric preparation should be good...I often have to go on the Internet for some explanations of terminology...but what he gives very interesting!)


Thanks for the ajar door, but it's still dark ahead, turn on the light.
Post a screenshot (top to bottom)-

Model (trend-flat)

Here is written in my opinion sensible


Thank you Innokenty, it is informative. But I would like to see exactly
How it looks on Eurodollar pair for example (screenshot)...


Thank you, Innocent, it's informative. But I'd still like to see exactly
How it looks like on EURUSD for example (screenshot).

Well, I'll sketch something later, for the public, if you're not at all hot in the kettle after the salts.

Kesha Rutov:

All right, I'll sketch something later, for the public, if you don't feel like it in the pot after the salts.

Great! Thank you!
And what Voronov to read?


Great! Thank you!
And what Voronov to read?


I'm only mastering the first semester so far)
Машинное обучение
Машинное обучение (Machine Learning) — обширный подраздел искусственного интеллекта, изучающий методы построения алгоритмов, способных обучаться. Различают два типа обучения. Обучение по прецедентам, или индуктивное обучение, основано на выявлении общих закономерностей по частным эмпирическим данным. Дедуктивное обучение предполагает...

That's great! Thank you!
And what Voronov to read?

Shy unclean, I think you're trying to mock the house, on youtube look for Voronov, I take it back, you get nothing, ask your friends insiders and forex demotivators, offended at the kitchen after losing precious 100 dollars, because the stops need to be put. You're all junkies and sex addicts out there, dibs on me.


Great! Thank you!
And what Voronov to read?

Here's another really cool article))

I am not a fan of the monastic detached study of everything. I just take a superficial look at everything and simply study and apply what has worked well in practice and that's it. I've had enough of it, otherwise you can go crazy with such a huge volume))

so far, i feel with all my perceptrons that there should not be a teacher for neuronics for markets, otherwise there are too many "ifs" and "buts".

so i will dig to neural networks without a teacher, i.e. without setting conditions for determining weights in neural connections.

here's more:

Байесовская нейронная сеть — потому что а почему бы и нет, черт возьми (часть 1)
Байесовская нейронная сеть — потому что а почему бы и нет, черт возьми (часть 1)
То, о чем я попытаюсь сейчас рассказать, выглядит как настоящая магия. Если вы что-то знали о нейронных сетях до этого — забудьте это и не вспоминайте, как страшный сон. Если вы не знали ничего — вам же легче, полпути уже пройдено. Если вы на «ты» с байесовской статистикой, читали вот эту и вот эту статьи из Deepmind — не обращайте внимания на...
Kesha Rutov:

Shy unclean, I think you're trying to mock the house, on youtube look for Voronov, I take it back, you do not get anything, ask your friends insiders and forex demotivators, offended in the kitchen after draining precious 100 dollars, because the stops should be put. You're all junkies and sex addicts out there, dibs on me.

No, I'm serious. I just didn't know which one, and Yandex came up with several. That's why I specified, and you withheld.
But it's so nice when a knowledgeable person tells you, but does not keep everything to himself. And shown how
I hope in the near future price + model (trend-flat), just make this day for me a holiday ...

Martin Cheguevara:


Thank you very much.