Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1088

Maxim Dmitrievsky:


People who associate themselves with a particular language or nation are already infected

The problem is not the individuation, but the lack of knowledge of the language. This is the Russian-speaking part of the forum and communication in English is not appropriate here. Because many people simply will not understand what we are talking about. As for the association with the nation, I consider myself a citizen of the Earth, but trivially do not know any foreign language. How many times I unsuccessfully tried to learn English I can no longer remember. I don't keep count of the attempts. I realize that a knowledge of English would have greatly increased my opportunities. After all, the Russian segment of the Internet is a small part of it, and English is in fact an international language. But I will not go to the English forum to write in Russian. It would not give me a good look. It is impossible to use automatic translation. The quality is below the plinth. Although there are positive developments in this direction. And they are provided by neural networks.
I know that experience. It's not relevant here. The problem is stupidly different. People speak different languages and as a consequence do not understand each other. It is the language barrier that spoils a lot of things, both for individuals and for humanity as a whole. Not everyone has the ability to speak foreign languages. And sometimes speaking the same language they do not understand each other. Because language is not precise enough.

It's the usual who's talking about what, but the louse is talking about bath :) You should read books and discuss them afterwards.

All your experiences have long been studied and described there.

Grigoriy Chaunin:
The problem is not the indication, but the lack of knowledge of the language. This is the Russian-speaking part of the forum and it is not appropriate to speak English here. Because many people simply will not understand what we are talking about. As for the association with the nation, I consider myself a citizen of the Earth, but trivially do not know any foreign language. How many times I unsuccessfully tried to learn English I can no longer remember. I don't keep count of the attempts. I realize that a knowledge of English would have greatly increased my opportunities. After all, the Russian segment of the Internet is a small part of it, and English is in fact an international language. But I will not go to the English forum to write in Russian. It would not give me a good look. It is impossible to use automatic translation. The quality is below the plinth. Although there are positive developments in this direction. And they have been provided by neural networks.

Neural networks take care of econometric calculations

It would seem that what else is needed?

Everything will be there: forecast, model, autoregression, autocorrelation and other niceties.

However, you need to think: what is the basis for all of this, what is the basis of econometric formulas?

I decided to try another way, to break down each of the fundamental econometric formulas

The result is a generalized mathematical model - minimization of deviations from the average, with BP being stationary as much as possible, otherwise it crashes

well, this undermines absolutely all prospects of this seemingly useful activity

To make a long story short, the topic is either for the flat or for the trend...


so do not worry

Renat Akhtyamov:

In short, the theme is either only for the flat, or only for the trend


so don't worry.

And you do not think about the fact that the flat and the trend at all))

or rather not so

there are no flats, just movements of different lengths.


Didn't you think about the fact that there is no flat or trend at all))

Or rather, not like that.

There are no flots, there are just movements of different lengths.

The trend, like a flat, does not and will not exist, until you "define" them one way or another!


Didn't you think about the fact that there is no flat or trend at all))

Or rather, not like that.

there's no flat, there's just movements of different lengths.

it's the same thing.

i.e. everything is there, but in other words

but for economery this is different BP

and together she does not know how to think them, just like 95% of traders

Renat Akhtyamov:

it's the same

I mean, everything is there, but in other words

but for econometrics it is a different BP

It can't do it together, just like 95% of traders

Can econometrics distinguish a flat from a trend?


Can econometrics distinguish between a flat and a trend?

May the local gurus tell us.
Renat Akhtyamov:
May the local gurus answer.

You should tell us exactly who the local Gurus are. Because since 15:34 everyone has been waiting tensely.