Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1032

Aleksey Terentev:
Generally made, and already started moderation. =)


I delete mine then

Aleksey Terentev:
Actually did, and has already started moderation. =)

Where did neivan's Susanian manners come from, what are you going to tell and where to lead, the limit of 10 people in a chat, 8 mb. file, a space simulator lover or a promoter of paid subscription?)

Aleksey Terentev:

I haven't heard anything about channel limitation. Files can be stored in other places, it's not a problem.

In fact, do you think there will be a one-time online in 10 persons? =)

PS I suppose you also know Eve Online? =)

I generally believe that the deadlock is not in the platform for sharing, but in the exchange, because there is no unified presentation of the information, and hence no objective assessment, each sings on his own tune and in his own language))).

True, there have already been attempts to discuss unified job formats, models..., but alas.

Ivan Negreshniy:

In general, I think that the deadlock is not in the platform for exchange, but in the exchange itself, because there is no unified presentation of information, and therefore no objective assessment, each sings on his own tune and in his own language)).

Truth here already attempted to discuss unified job formats, models ..., but alas.

I couldn't have said it better.

It's sad that it's like this.

The problem is not in the choice of site for discussion and development, but in the inexperience of the participants themselves.

For me it is not clear at all, why pick up predictors by hand, when you need a ready-made bruteforce system.

If you really want to get together in a team, then start putting the source code in the public domain, because without them it is difficult to assess the skill of the programmer. Only after studying the sources, you can build a single library, which will suit all participants in the project.


The problem is not in the choice of site for discussion and development, but in the inexperience of the participants themselves.

For me it is not clear at all, why pick up predictors by hand, when you need a ready-made bruteforce system.

If you really want to get together in a team, then start putting the source code in the public domain, because without them it is difficult to assess the skill of the programmer. Only after studying the sources, you can build a single library, which will suit all participants of the project.

I'm sure when all of you will gather in this channel you will decide to agree on terminology and concepts, but you still can not agree :-)


For me, I do not understand why pick up predictors manually, when you need a ready-made bruteforce system.

If you really want to get together in a team, then start putting the source code in the public domain, because without them it is difficult to assess the skill of the programmer. Only after examining the sources can gather a single library, which will suit all participants of the project.

You have already been asked 10 times - show examples of the real effectiveness of the library, what would catch people up. What do you mean by bruteforce?

What matters is not the skill of the programmer, and intelligible thoughts which you have not yet succeeded in conveying (at least to me).

I'm pretty sure that your bruteforce is ineffective and not much better than the usual over-optimization in the cloud.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

You have already been asked 10 times - show examples of the real effectiveness of the library, so that people will pull up. What do you mean by bruteforce? Examples, clues, passwords

What matters is not the skill of the programmer, and intelligible thoughts which you have not yet succeeded in conveying (at least to me).

I'm almost sure that your bruteforce is not effective and is little better than the usual overoptimization in the cloud.

Who asked? And show you what?

My general purpose library. In fact it is 90% of my expert, and I have not yet discovered the other 10%. The effectiveness of what has to be proven?

The only efficiency is the read/write speed of my binary format, which is 1000 times faster than a regular text CSV.

Most of my library is integration with Apache Spark and AWS. Do I have to prove the efficiency of these developments too?

Bruteforce - "brute force" is what "slow" optimization is all about.

The skill of the programmer is also important. I'm not going to teach programming to someone who can't even read the documentation. You need a minimum set of knowledge to participate in team development. Enthusiasm does not get you very far. Unfortunately, I can not see any experienced programmers because of the lack of at least some source code.

I do not have to prove anything to anyone. If you are not satisfied with my library, create your own. It's vacation time, but judging by the statistics of my site and GitHub, the audience of those interested in my development is growing.

it is useless to ask :)
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
it is useless to ask :)

I am a programmer, not a telepath. If you have any questions, I'll give you the answers...

Answer: 42 :D