Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 3159

Evgeni Gavrilovi #:

Is there a Russian translation of the book?

I don't know.
Evgeni Gavrilovi #:

Is there a Russian translation of the book?

Please send me a link to the book, I don't have time to look for it, I'll translate it.

Has anyone ever tried to open it at all?
Did anyone even see that it's in html format?
Does anyone know that the browser has an inbuilt translator?
mytarmailS #:
Has anyone ever tried to open it at all?
Did anyone see that it was in html format?
Does anyone know that the browser has an inbuilt translator?

Give me a link, I didn't open it of course.)


Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Throw a link better, didn't open of course))))))


Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Throw a link better, didn't open of course))))))



The book is good as a return (albeit at a new level) to the roots, to matstat. In its maidenhood, MO (or AI) was known as statistical learning.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

The book is good as a return (albeit at a new level) to the roots, to matstat. In its maidenhood, MO (or AI) was known as statistical learning.

Without reading, from Max's words I understand that causes are stable relationships or patterns, and not stable are associations. Doesn't sound like the best terminology to me, especially for not being able to account for factors.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

without reading, from Max's words I understand that causes are stable connections or patterns, and not stable are associations. I don't think this is the best terminology, especially for those who can't take factors into account.

The original two-factor method of treatment validation (tritment) is in there. You, I recall, are close to this topic in the direct medical sense.

IMHO, Maxim somehow very broadly and creatively transfers the concept of a tritment to our tasks.

mytarmailS #:

You can only discuss with someone who is also in this thread, there are no such people here

I suggest to explain normally how to use it, so that I can run it on my own and test it....

If it works, then it makes sense to read the book and get into it, then we can discuss it further....

But for now, this topic has the same status as the others...

Anoverview on fingers, what kind of a beast is cajual.

Причинно-следственный анализ в машинном обучении
Причинно-следственный анализ в машинном обучении
  • 2022.04.26
Что появилось первым: курица или яйцо? Причем несколько раз. И каждый раз ответ был разным. А если серьезно, то для машинного обучения становятся все более актуальными вопросы причинно-следственного анализа (causal inference) - когда главной целью моделирования является не прогноз и его качество, а то, как мы можем принимать решения на основе...