Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2484

Renat Akhtyamov #:

Try to divide it into groups, json is the 1st, something else is the 2nd.

Then it'll be easier.

If you catch at least something in the group, it's up to you to find what you need.

there is such a tab, but it does not have anything

mytarmailS #:

there is a tab like this, but there is nothing in it

in the developer tools look at the network

there's a whole bunch of stuff there.

Renat Akhtyamov #:

Look in the developer tools network

There's a lot there.

I have always looked at the network, and that there is a lot of things I also wrote)

but I can't find what I need

mytarmailS #:

I have always looked at the network, and the fact that there are a lot of things I also wrote)

but I can't find what I need to find

oh, that's through DOOM, that's what you opened in the above screenshot

Chrome will highlight the object tree color, in your case - in the web terminal

and then search the network for that name or something similar.

mytarmailS #:

go to

Create a demo on a web platform and try to spar the sanction

I looked through the json-ki

I have not found these values, maybe they send a picture or did not look well?

Who knows what to do!!!

Sometimes, for the antiparser insert a picture. If the desired text is not selected for copying, then it is a picture. If it is, you can take it out.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Sometimes, for the antiparser insert a picture. If the desired text is not selected for copying, it is a picture. If it is, you can take it out.

Even if it is a picture, I can't find any pictures.

mytarmailS #:

Even with a picture, I can't find a picture.

We accept clients from your country with another branch.

When you make a demo.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:
We accept clients from your country with another branch.

when making a demo

I do not know, everything worked for me without problems


buy the eu for half a day minimum.

humorous section : a signal from me) )

Mihail Marchukajtes #:

Well let's start with the fact that the opiate of the whole market is the exchange rate of the national currency or the currency of the deposit.

And as luck would have it on Moex there is an instrument Si which satisfies our condition.

1. it is as vaolatile as the pound dollar intraday.

2. There is information on it on the open institute, as well as on other instruments.

3. the opener is a tax agent, so be warned!

For the rest, I take only 13 instruments from the market, by the way, maybe the number is not correct, but these instruments were chosen according to my instincts. Here is their list!

From this list, I form a training file of 7500 columns and 50 rows, where the first 10 rows I have a test, the rest in the work.

After pre-processing I have from 150 to 300 important columns for the target, and on this trained network by the method of reference vectors(one of the costly for machine learning) its complexity is that when you add 1 column to the model the complexity of the resulting polynomial is doubled, so I can not build a model of more than 15 inputs, even on a super powerful computer. Well mine pulls 12, and the Mail's server does it no faster. This kind of raises the question of deeper meaning! There is a cost of getting a model, that is, every optimization it is not free and there is the potential to earn this model or get a loss. It does not always take much time to get a good model. You can get a good model at 5-7 inputs and at 10-12 and it imposes even more troublesome that if you can't get good training figures at 5-7 inputs, then you have to start training at 12, where up to 9 there is only a decrease and only then it may increase. In general, the process of optimization, I tell you. But I got accustomed to 2-4 hours of good work, get my models and smoke bamboo again, sit and watch. There is no other way :-(.

So what tools will be selected from the list above, I do not know, but at the expense of oil to say that drops it often, so I included it.

Dmitry, did I answer your clinical question?

Please answer my clinical question as well (you, by the way, yesterday read my mind and after I looked at this method, posted your way of working with data - thank you) ... BUT the question remains: this method is used to classify, I guess, features - do you need it... what do you classify, if it's not a secret? LN(Close/Open)? and what do you teach?

-- if it's a secret, i understand - "know-how"?

p.s. I'll throw myself a couple of links for orientation in the topic (after all, it's not really my statistics, although the latter can be put into an "environmental model", probably):

Introduction to AI

Statement and possible solutions to the problem of training neural networks


Ensemble of methods

Стэнфордский курс: лекция 6. Обучение нейросетей, часть 1 – Блог REG.RU
Стэнфордский курс: лекция 6. Обучение нейросетей, часть 1 – Блог REG.RU
  • 2019.09.23
В прошлый раз мы обсудили историю возникновения свёрточных архитектур, а также узнали об их устройстве и широких возможностях применения. В течение следующих двух лекций мы поговорим об особенностях обучения нейросетей и разберёмся, как правильно настраивать параметры, выбирать функцию активации, подготавливать данные и добиваться успешных...