Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1117


Actually the opposite is true...

Better a worse algorithm but more examples than a cool algorithm but less data.

Even 1000 is not enough, especially for the market...

All right, since you're new, I'll explain it to you separately...

40 examples of my sample is about a month of work on the TF M15. What's wrong with training a model for one month so it works in profit at least for 2 weeks. There is no grail and weekly optimization is quite normal, let alone optimization once every two weeks.

But Maksimka trains his models for a year or more and he is not shining with the result ....

SanSanych Fomenko:

Not bad results in predictive ability will NOT lead to stable models, because simply ridiculous number of observations = 51. We need at least 10 times as many, or better, 100 times as many.

SanSanych, explain to a fool why a classifier needs predictive power?

SanSanych Fomenko:

Not bad results in predictive ability will NOT lead to stable models, because simply ridiculous number of observations = 51. We need at least 10 times as many, or better, 100 times as many.

If you build models on that number of observations, the results are abysmal.


Actual [0,0] (0,1] Error

[0,0] 42.9 28.6 40

(0,1] 28.6 0.0 100

Overall error: 57.1%, Averaged class error: 70%

Rattle timestamp: 2018-10-18 21:29:39 user


Error matrix for the Linear model on Mic1.txt [validate] (counts):


Actual [0,0] (0,1) Error

[0,0] 1 4 80

(0,1] 2 0 100

Error matrix for the Linear model on Mic1.txt [validate] (proportions):


Actual [0,0] (0,1] Error

[0,0] 14.3 57.1 80

(0,1] 28.6 0.0 100

Overall error: 85.7%, Averaged class error: 90%

Rattle timestamp: 2018-10-18 21:29:39 user


Error matrix for the Neural Net model on Mic1.txt [validate] (counts):


Actual [0,0] (0,1) Error

[0,0] 2 3 60

(0,1] 1 1 50

Error matrix for the Neural Net model on Mic1.txt [validate] (proportions):


Actual [0,0] (0,1] Error

[0,0] 28.6 42.9 60

(0,1] 14.3 14.3 50

Overall error: 57.1%, Averaged class error: 55%

Rattle timestamp: 2018-10-18 21:29:39 user

I hope you're not trying to predict the exit???? It is already predicted, you just need to get as close to it as possible. There is no need to predict it....

Yuriy Asaulenko:

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence.

Sanych, what about the results of the test??? How does the model behave there???

By the way, if you use Rattle, it is better not. I can run it myself.... interesting to see results on your secret AI models :-)

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Artificial Intelligence.

А,... Are you already using AI? And we all are sitting on the AI.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

А,... Are you already using AI? And we're all sitting on AI.

I'm surprised by your ignorance in this matter. It's the same thing. MO = AI Machine Learning = Artificial Intelligence.

Mihail Marchukajtes:

I am surprised at your ignorance on this subject. It's the same thing. ME=Machine Learning=Artificial Intelligence.

Wow. Who would have thought? Actually these are completely different things.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

That's amazing. Who would have thought? Actually, it's completely different.

What's the difference? Enlighten....


hilarious... more!))

So what do you think about the data?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

That's amazing. Who would have thought? Actually, they are completely different things.

Not really different, it's evolution of machine learning, from Assembler to Python, so to speak ;)

Различия между искусственным интеллектом, машинным обучением и глубоким обучением
Различия между искусственным интеллектом, машинным обучением и глубоким обучением
  • 2025.02.17
Искусственный интеллект, машинное обучение и глубокое обучение уже сейчас являются неотъемлемой частью многих предприятий. Часто эти термины используются как синонимы. Искусственный интеллект движется огромными шагами — от достижений в области беспилотных транспортных средств и способности обыгрывать человека в такие игры, как покер и Го, к...