Trading Systems: Synthetic Bars - A New Dimension to Displaying Graphical Information on Prices - page 2


especialmente POR POR洛杉矶futbolistas Comprendemos vuestrointerés,洛杉矶jugadores de LAselección的。 仙禁运,时尚sigue manteniendo苏postura POR LA阙TODAS拉斯维加斯conversaciones关于futbolistas本身登贝拉desarrollar SOBRE洛杉矶帖子generales SOBRE EL TEMA,科莫“Jugadores德拉selección”O“Jugadores DEL皇马”...
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四埃斯特TEMA transciende EN联合国时代NOS plantearemos otras posibilidades。
我是欢迎您POR vuestracompresiónŸcolaboración。

Very smart approach. Real big THANK YOU!

This post is almost 2 years old. Can anyone tell me if any efforts have been made towards making it possible to trade from this synthetic bar charts. What is the ultimate point to build and test an EA that doesn't work on a non standard chart ?

Was at least a way to send signals from an offline chart ( like when to place a sell or a buy, close an order or all ) developed yet that I cannot find ?

Seriously, watching an offline chart working nicely and having an EA that performs acceptable in back test and not being able to use it doesn't bother anyone ?

I hope there is a way and someone will point me in the right direction.

