NormalizePrice() any suggestions on how to do this better - page 4


Dominik, this function has a more predictable output. You could try it

//| Round a calculated price to the nearest tick price.              |
double NormalizePrice(double pPrice, string pSymbol = NULL)
   pSymbol = pSymbol == NULL ? _Symbol : pSymbol;

   double ticksize = SymbolInfoDouble(pSymbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE);

   if(ticksize == 0)
      Print(__FUNCTION__, ": error, cannot retrieve ticksize for " + pSymbol);
      return (0);

   // this calculation suffer from roundoff errors
   //return MathRound(pPrice / ticksize) * ticksize;

   double ticks = MathRound(StripError(pPrice / ticksize));
   return StripError(ticks * ticksize);

//| Eliminate the floating-point binary round-off error.             |
double StripError(double num)
//--- Round to 15 significant digits
   return StringToDouble(StringFormat("%.15g", num));

Thank you for the effort.

So basically you are saying, printf has it implemented, right?

So I will lookup printf implementation.
Dominik Christian Egert #:
Thank you for the effort.

So basically you are saying, printf has it implemented, right?

So I will lookup printf implementation.
I think you need to orient yourself by the binary floating point format first. Good luck. 