Precedence under MQL5


Does anyone know if the Precedence rules for logical operators(combining && and || in "if" statements) have been normalized to standard C rules?.

There is a mention in the MQL4 manual that states that they deviate, and have found this to be so in some of my code. The combination of && and || in a complex "if" statement  can have unpredictable results(ie. It is my observation that MQ4 would evaluate ALL conditions before taking the path. If you have boolean functions which write/update a file, it will perform the I/O operation even though a preceeding condition was not met.)

Any knowledge of this info will be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance ,


Why not just use the parenthesis to be sure in your logical statements outcomes?

Does anyone know if the Precedence rules for logical operators(combining && and || in "if" statements) have been normalized to standard C rules?.

There is a mention in the MQL4 manual that states that they deviate, and have found this to be so in some of my code. The combination of && and || in a complex "if" statement  can have unpredictable results(ie. It is my observation that MQ4 would evaluate ALL conditions before taking the path. If you have boolean functions which write/update a file, it will perform the I/O operation even though a preceeding condition was not met.)

Any knowledge of this info will be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance ,


For efficiency I never use && or || in if statements. I always handle each condition in the if statement separately and set it to return either true or false.

Does anyone know if the Precedence rules for logical operators(combining && and || in "if" statements) have been normalized to standard C rules?.

There is a mention in the MQL4 manual that states that they deviate, and have found this to be so in some of my code. The combination of && and || in a complex "if" statement  can have unpredictable results(ie. It is my observation that MQ4 would evaluate ALL conditions before taking the path. If you have boolean functions which write/update a file, it will perform the I/O operation even though a preceeding condition was not met.)

Any knowledge of this info will be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance ,


Can you give a simple example that does not work for you ? Rules for MQL5 are the same as for C++. 

Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Operations and Expressions / Precedence Rules
Language Basics / Operations and Expressions / Precedence Rules - Documentation on MQL5