Loading an indicator from a function call, get value then release


Hi there !

I'd like to know if it's possible to load an indicator iMA for only one symbol, from a function, get some results, then unload ? Or does the indicator loading need to be done necessarily in the OnInit() ? If yes, should i use the iMA() method, the indicatorload method, or the class indicator method for the less memory consumption ?



Hi there !

I'd like to know if it's possible to load an indicator iMA for only one symbol, from a function, get some results, then unload ? Or does the indicator loading need to be done necessarily in the OnInit() ? If yes, should i use the iMA() method, the indicatorload method, or the class indicator method for the less memory consumption ?


iMA(). Get an handle, once no more needed, use IndicatorRelease().
iMA(). Get an handle, once no more needed, use IndicatorRelease().