Discussion of article "Multilayer perceptron and backpropagation algorithm (Part II): Implementation in Python and integration with MQL5"


New article Multilayer perceptron and backpropagation algorithm (Part II): Implementation in Python and integration with MQL5 has been published:

There is a Python package available for developing integrations with MQL, which enables a plethora of opportunities such as data exploration, creation and use of machine learning models. The built in Python integration in MQL5 enables the creation of various solutions, from simple linear regression to deep learning models. Let's take a look at how to set up and prepare a development environment and how to use use some of the machine learning libraries.

First, you should download Python from the official website www.python.org/downloads/

To work with TensorFlow, you should install a version between 3.3 and 3.8 (I personally use 3.7).

After downloading and starting the installation process, check the option "Add Python 3.7 to PATH". This will ensure that some things will work without additional configuration later.

A Python script can then be easily run directly from the MetaTrader 5 terminal.

  • Define the Python executable path (environment)
  • Install required project dependencies 

Open MetaEditor and go to Tools \ Options.

Specify here the path at which the Python executable is locates. Note that after installation it should have the default Python path. If not, enter the full path to the executable file manually. This will allow you to run scripts directly from your MetaTrader 5 terminal.

1 - Configuring compilers

I personally use a completely separate library environment called virtual environment. This is a way to get "clean" installation and to collect only those libraries which are required for the product.

Author: Jonathan Pereira

Great job. Well done . Buy what type of data do run you programms ..that is the problen
Great! thanks for sharing. Intel, IBM, NASA, Pixar, Netflix, Facebook, JP Morgan Chase, Spotify, and a slew of other huge corporations employ Python. Python is one of Google's four core programming languages, and it's used widely on YouTube.  Python course in Pune

Outstanding work! I thank you for sharing with us your implementation of AI in mt5. This article removed many doubts I had regarding the use of python in mt5.
You are a great inspiration.