Does has good risk management for Grid EA


I developed a Grid EA

I think , lot size management need when grid size grow

Do you know any example of risk management for grid EA.

Meanwhile ,I use this MM

bool CheckVolumeValue(double volume,string &description)
     //--- minimal allowed volume for trade operations
   double min_volume=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is less than the minimal allowed SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN=%.2f",min_volume);

//--- maximal allowed volume of trade operations
   double max_volume=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is greater than the maximal allowed SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX=%.2f",max_volume);

//--- get minimal step of volume changing
   double volume_step=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP);

   double ratio=(int)MathRound(volume/volume_step);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is not a multiple of the minimal step SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP=%.2f, the closest correct volume is %.2f",
   description="Correct volume value";

If there any other smart MM,Please suggest me.

LONNV: I developed a Grid EA

Hedging, grid trading, same as Martingale.
          Martingale, Hedging and Grid : MHG - General - MQL5 programming forum (2016.12.20)

Martingale, guaranteed to blow your account eventually. If it's not profitable without, it is definitely not profitable with.
          Martingale vs. Non Martingale (Simplified RoR vs Profit and the Illusions) - MQL5 programming forum (2015)

Why it won't work:
          Calculate Loss from Lot Pips - MQL5 programming forum (2017)
          THIS Trading Strategy is a LIE... I took 100,000 TRADES with the Martingale Strategy - YouTube (2020.12.12)