How to set non tradable time in EA ?

Hi guys,

I want my EA to avoid taking any trade from 21:00 to 01:00 (when spreads are high). 

Saurabh Barhate

(P. S. - I am using MT5) 
I found one thread about timefilter: Opening Positions only between 3 a.m and 9 a.m
Opening Positions only between 3 a.m and 9 a.m
Opening Positions only between 3 a.m and 9 a.m
  • 2020.03.07
I am learning MQL5, i have a small expert that buys with a tp and sl, i want the ea to buy only when the time is between input time 1 and input ti...

This is my solution... maybe you have some simpler ways

input bool                 timeFilter     = true;                                      //Time filter
input int                  gmtOffset      = 2;                                         //GMT Offset (0 = London)
input string               timeStart      = "14:00";                                   //Start time for trading
input string               timeEnd        = "22:00";                                   //End time for trading

MqlDateTime    startTime, endTime;
int OnInit()
   //--- Time filter
   if(timeFilter == true)
      //--- Chck start time
      if(!String2Time(timeStart, startTime.hour, startTime.min))
         MessageBox("Error: Wrong input parameters for the start time!\nPleas fill in your start time in the hh:mm format.",
                     "Nasty 100 v"+ VERSION +" | "+"#"+IntegerToString(INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
      //--- Chck end time
      if(!String2Time(timeEnd, endTime.hour, endTime.min))
         MessageBox("Error: Wrong input parameters for the end time!\nPleas fill in your end time in the hh:mm format.",
                     "Nasty 100 v"+ VERSION +" | "+"#"+IntegerToString(INIT_PARAMETERS_INCORRECT), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);

void OnTick()
   if(AllowTradesByTime() && IsNewCandle())
bool AllowTradesByTime(void)
   static const int  minuteStart  = startTime.hour*60 + startTime.min;                 //Filter start time (in minutes)
   static const int  minuteEnd    = endTime.hour*60   + endTime.min;                   //Filter end time (in minutes)
   static const bool overMidnight = minuteStart > minuteEnd ? true : false;            //Allowed tarding time range over midnight
   if(minuteStart == minuteEnd) { return true; }                                       //No time difference
   const datetime timeNow = TimeGMT() + gmtOffset * 3600;                              //Current selected gmt time
   const int minuteNow    = TimeHour(timeNow)*60 + TimeMinute(timeNow);
      case false:                                                                      //Allowed trading time doesn't cross midnight
         if(minuteNow >= minuteStart && minuteNow <= minuteEnd)   { return true; }     //Check if time now is in the allowed range
         return false;
      case true:                                                                       //Allowed trading time is over midnight
         if(minuteNow < minuteStart && minuteNow > minuteEnd)     { return false; }    //Check if time now is in the allowed range
         return true;
   return false;
bool String2Time (const string _string, int &_hour, int &_min)
   uchar array[];
   StringToCharArray(_string, array);
   string hour = NULL;
   string min  = NULL;
   int    mode = 0;
   for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(array); i++)
      //--- Numbers 0 - 9
      if(array[i] >= 48 && array[i] <= 57)
            case 0: if(StringLen(hour) <= 2) { hour += CharToString(array[i]); }       //Add number to hour string
            case 1: if(StringLen(min)  <= 2) { min  += CharToString(array[i]); }       //Add number to minute string
      //--- Seperators [, . : ;]
      else if(array[i] == 44 || array[i] == 46 || array[i] == 58 || array[i] == 59)     //Change mode after seperator
         mode = 1;
   }//End for
   if(hour == "" && min == "") { return(false); }                                      //Check that not both strings are empty
   _hour = (int)StringToInteger(hour);                                                 //Convert string to integer
   _min  = (int)StringToInteger(min);                                                  //Convert string to integer
   if(_hour > 24 || _hour < 0)   { return(false); }                                    //Wrong input 
   if(_min  > 60 || _min  < 0)   { return(false); }                                    //Wrong input  
   if(_min == 60)                { _min = 0; _hour++; }                                //Correct min          
   if(_hour == 24)               { _hour = 0; }                                        //Correct hour   