Opening Positions only between 3 a.m and 9 a.m


I am learning MQL5,

i have a small expert that buys with a tp and sl,

i want the ea to buy only when the time is between input time 1 and input time 2,
it s simple, you only have 1 trade at a time and once closed by tp or sl open a new one if the time is still in the range 

but still the ea is buying in all hours of the day 
need help 
this is the code:

#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>

CTrade          m_trade;

input double SL_Levels=20;

input double TP_Levels=10;

input double Lot_Size=0.01;

input ulong MagicNumber=678910;

//input datetime starttime = D'02:00:00';

//input datetime endtime = D'22:00:00';

// local variables

double OrderPrice;

double ShortPrice;

double Stop;

double Target;

int PipValue=1;

void OnTick()






void Process()


   double Bid = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID);

   double Ask = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK);

   int Count = FindPositions();





   if(Ask>=Target || Bid<=Stop)






int FindPositions()


   int found=0;

   for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)



         if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC) == MagicNumber)









bool FirstBuy()


      bool ot;

      bool res=false;

      ulong ticket = 0;



if (checktime("02:00:00","12:00:00")){

      ot=m_trade.Buy(Lot_Size1,Symbol(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);





            ticket = m_trade.ResultOrder();



         ShortPrice=OrderPrice - (Level_Size*HedgeLvl*PipValue*Point());

         Stop=OrderPrice - (SL_Levels*Level_Size*PipValue*Point());

         Target=OrderPrice + (TP_Levels*Level_Size*PipValue*Point());




  //   }

 //    return true;



//|                                                                  |


void CloseAll()


   for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)



         // position with appropriate ORDER_MAGIC, symbol and order type

         if(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC) == MagicNumber)


            ulong tic = PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TICKET);





Time Filter Code Sample =>how can i add timefilter in ea
how can i add timefilter in ea
how can i add timefilter in ea
  • 2020.02.14
can someone help me to add time filter in my ea...

Here's a quick and simple solution:

datetime dtnow=TimeCurrent();

if(dtnow>=StringToTime("03:00") && dtnow<StringToTime("09:00"))