Please Allow for increase Font Size


The font sizes for many things such as the points measure is VERY small! Please add a settings option to increase the font size. Thanks!
leapatenio: The font sizes for many things such as the points measure is VERY small! Please add a settings option to increase the font size. Thanks!
You will have to direct your request to the Service Desk. This is a user forum, not a developer forum! Not even the moderators here have much influence over that.

The font sizes for many things such as the points measure is VERY small! Please add a settings option to increase the font size. Thanks!
You can try to change the font in the settings of your pc - this might help.
Carl Schreiber:
You can try to change the font in the settings of your pc - this might help.
The font size on my pc is fine. That is NOT the solution.
The font size on my pc is fine. That is NOT the solution.

Don't expect too much help in the forum when you have an attitude like that!

What font size you talk about?
Lea Boyd:

The font sizes for many things such as the points measure is VERY small! Please add a settings option to increase the font size. Thanks!

Send/attach a picture please

Carl Schreiber:
You can try to change the font in the settings of your pc - this might help.

yes, several interface fonts are based on settings from windows, such as tab-fonts, menu-fonts, lateral vertical bar itens too... among others. 

I know because I have changed several of my windows font settings, to fit Metatrader better, using smaller fonts.


Why isn't there an option to change Font size of date & price

Manoj #:

Why isn't there an option to change Font size of date & price

Chances are it will not fit, that's why the best solution for accessibility could be upping the overall font size thru the OS, leaving MT safe.