Subscribed Signal has Negative Equity



I've subscribed to a MT4 signal called Coheront and has gone broke a few days ago and has no activity since then, how do I get a refund of my subscription fee locked in this signal?  




There are some ways to refund:

If you cancel your subscription you will get a refund for the months, that haven't started yet.

And -

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Refund Signal subscription

Eleni Anna Branou, 2019.01.22 10:19

If you unsubscribe within 24 hours of your initial subscription, you will get an automatic full refund.

There are no any other options for refund in Signal service.
Anyway, you can look at the Signal Rules - may be you will find some more options for refund (I did not find sorry).
Rules for copy trading in MetaTrader 4 and 5 - the Trading Signals service
Rules for copy trading in MetaTrader 4 and 5 - the Trading Signals service
Terms of Service Trading Signals: Signal Providers, how to create a signal subscription signals.