My EA can't differentiate between the MB_YES & MB_NO with Messagebox


This has genuinely got to be one of the must ludicrous, most ridiculous situations I have even been in with this coding language.

Is there any reason as to why my trades are closing, regardless as to the button pressed on the prompted  Messagebox - despite the fact my EA is only supposed to close trade when the  IDYES  button is selected?

I click the  IDYES  button, my trade liquidates, I click the  IDNO  button, my trade still liquidates.

Why is my EA doing things I have not told it to do? The word "fuming" cannot express enough how I'm feeling.

//|                                          initialization_test.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
//| Expert initialization function                                   |

datetime LastActiontime;
bool totalOrders = OrdersTotal();
double currencyConversion;
double tradeSpread;
int ordersTotal;

int OnInit()

  if (totalOrders == 0){
      totalOrders = true;


void OnTick()
   int LotSize = 1;
   int RewardFactor = 3;
   int stopLossPoints = 200;
   double entryPriceBid = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID);
   double spread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD);
   double tickvalue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE);
   color sellcolor = clrGreen;
   bool Newbar = true;
   currencyConversion = 100000/(tickvalue * 100000);
   tradeSpread = (spread * tickvalue)*LotSize;
   if(OrdersTotal() == 0)
   if(totalOrders == true){
      bool OpenShort = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,LotSize,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID),100,((entryPriceBid/Point)-(stopLossPoints))*Point,((entryPriceBid/Point)+(stopLossPoints*RewardFactor))*Point,"Spread Charge £"+DoubleToStr((spread * tickvalue)*LotSize,2),Period(),0,sellcolor);
      if (OpenShort == true){
         bool msgBox = MessageBox("Please confirm the risk on this trade with the margin at the bottom of the terminal."+
         "\nWould you like to close this trade?"+
         "\n£"+DoubleToStr(((tickvalue * LotSize)*stopLossPoints)+ tradeSpread,2),"Information | ", MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_TOPMOST);
         if (msgBox = IDYES){
            ordersTotal = OrdersTotal();   
            for(int b=ordersTotal-1;b>=0;b--){
                  bool closeOrder = OrderClose(OrderTicket(),LotSize,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID),300,clrAqua);
                  Comment("This trade has closed");


         Print("The tick value used for this EA is £ "+DoubleToStr(tickvalue , 5)+" and the conversion is "+DoubleToStr(currencyConversion,5));
         SendMail("You have opened a position","You have opened a position");
Timeline for Messagebox is closing trades regardless of "Yes" or "No" button clicked
Timeline for Messagebox is closing trades regardless of "Yes" or "No" button clicked
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This has genuinely got to be one of the must ludicrous, most ridiculous situations I have even been in with this coding language.

Is there any reason as to why my trades are closing, regardless as to the button pressed on the prompted  Messagebox - despite the fact my EA is only supposed to close trade when the  IDYES  button is selected?

I click the  IDYES  button, my trade liquidates, I click the  IDNO  button, my trade still liquidates.

Why is my EA doing things I have not told it to do? The word "fuming" cannot express enough how I'm feeling.

yes because your code is wrong the msgBox returns an Integer not a bool.

so change it to this format   int msgBox = MessageBox..........

then check the value of msgBox  and not IDYES
MessageBox - Common Functions - MQL4 Reference
MessageBox - Common Functions - MQL4 Reference
MessageBox - Common Functions - MQL4 Reference
Paul Anscombe:

yes because your code is wrong the msgBox returns an Integer not a bool.

so change it to this format   int msgBox = MessageBox..........

then check the value of msgBox  and not IDYES

Thanks Paul, it's incredible what you miss when you're burning the candle at not only both ends but down the middle as well! :)