Bitmaps not on foreground



i want my bitmaps on foreground. Thought, just set a flag and that's it. Unfortunately, it is not.

   bool              CreateBitmap(string name,
                      datetime              time=0,            // anchor point time
                      double                price=0,           // anchor point price
                      const string          file="",           // bitmap file name
                      const int             width=60,          // visibility scope X coordinate
                      const int             height=40,         // visibility scope Y coordinate
                      const long            chart_ID=0,        // chart's ID
                      const int             sub_window=0,      // subwindow index
                      const int             back=0,        // in the background
                      const long            z_order=0)         // priority for mouse click
      //--- set anchor point coordinates if they are not set
      //--- reset the error value
      //--- create a bitmap
         Print(__FUNCTION__,could not create bitmap. EC = ",GetLastError());
      //--- set the path to the image file
               ": failed to load the image! Error code = ",GetLastError());


Bitmaps visible, but below chart. I could set chart into background but then my indicator line is above chart, which should be the case.

Isn't it possible to selectively place bitmap objects below/above chart ?

Thank you


Do not double post!!

I have deleted your duplicate topic!



i want my bitmaps on foreground. Thought, just set a flag and that's it. Unfortunately, it is not.

Bitmaps visible, but below chart. I could set chart into background but then my indicator line is above chart, which should be the case.

Isn't it possible to selectively place bitmap objects below/above chart ?

Thank you

Keith Watford:

Do not double post!!

I have deleted your duplicate topic!

Fist posted for MT4. Then i realized same applies for MT5. As MT4 and MT5 are different threads, i did the double post.

Besides deleting unloved posts, what about a fix ?

Thank you