Maximum string length read by FileReadString


Is there any reason for the 4093 character maximum length of a string read by FileReadString from a BIN file?


1. May be that zero character in the file terminated your string

2. What the error gets GetLastError()


1. May be that zero character in the file terminated your string

2. What the error gets GetLastError()

Apologies for not looking at the GetLastError() before - see below

int handle = FileOpen("test.txt",FILE_READ|FILE_BIN);
// valid handle from a 4MB text file produced using notepad.exe

str = FileReadString(handle,100000);
Print(GetLastError()); // this prints 4004 - not enough memory

Print(StringLen(str)); // this prints 4093 - expect 100000

You can try to read string's remains and concatenate they


You can try to read string's remains and concatenate they

Yes, the following works well to read a 4MB string

// assumes handle is FILE_BIN
string FileReadLargeString(int handle)
   string strLarge="";
      string str=FileReadString(handle,4000);
      if(GetLastError()!=0) break;
   while(GetLastError()==0 && !FileIsEnding(handle));

