very bad: Disabled download of Signal history trades - page 2

Eugen Funk :

This is how it looks now:

Deals from the last 30 days are now shown. Check it out.

30 days history is not good enough. ALL the history is needed to be able to evaluate the signal properly. What an annoying change, please go back to how it was with ability to see ALL history.
I agree, this is a massive deterioration and a real hurdle to analyze signals. At least the whole last year should be visible, only then you can properly evaluate a signal. Besides upsetting everyone, what problem has been solved on the part of MQL5 with the change?

I agree too,

fortunally I has evaluating the signals and now I have an idea.

In the actually situation I will never decide to copy a signal.....


In the actually situation I will never decide to copy a signal.....

Please activate it !!

I don't think you can choose the signal to follow ....

I hope you fix it as soon as possible otherwise the purchase of the signals will decrease.

Those who sell the signals should also protest.


“The problem is what is called reverse engineering. And this is the reason for the right decision to hide them from people for free. I welcome this decision ": Miguel Angel Vico Alba   2021.02.13 15:46      ***

MQL5 is free to make any decisions about your website. Total owner.
At the moment I have over 15 contract signals, some with real money and others in demo. To select so many signals, I have exhausted a long selection process, but above all, STUDYING THE ROAD RECORD of each one. When free access to these records is closed, we, as traders, take a hard hit that prevents us from entering the business, except that to study history, I PAY the MONTHLY amount requested by the supplier, just to see if it is possible for my team to choose it. signals.
We got a heavy setback. It is not clear what could be the reason for this new policy, which has a SERIOUS effect on those of us who rationally choose the signal. It seems that the signals remain for the huge number of adventurers who enter the foreign exchange market to try their luck, many of us have already passed this stage, and today they deny us any opportunity to progress to this extent.

MQL5, it's time to change the measure. Adventurers will be able to continue playing with their money, but for those of us analyzing, we will have to leave because we don't want to lose. This is how vendors are losing customers ... And we are losing ... analytic subscribers.


Why actually I can't see on the portal the open orders and also the order closed today for a signal that I'm actually follow so I'm paying for it?

edit 15/02/2021 at 16:50 -> Never mind now is working ...

Any reaction from MQL5??? 
can moderator do something? it is useless if we can't see the full signal history to assess whether the signal is worth subscribing or not