Function to know the current price of my order

Hello, I'm looking for a function on MLQ4 that could tell me how much my order is compared to that position taken


I open at 1.000

The market rises to 1,150

Does it excite an code for say ( for example OrderPriceActuel = 1.150)

Thanks you :)


You can always read the actual price with iClose() function, see manual for parameters.
Hello, I'm looking for a function on MLQ4 that could tell me how much my order is compared to that position taken


I open at 1.000

The market rises to 1,150

Does it excite an code for say ( for example OrderPriceActuel = 1.150)

Thanks you :)


I don't know what "excite a code" means.

Select an order and then use OrderClosePrice() to get its current price.