Last 15 minutes of TICK data maintained in array - How can I do it?


The main problem I have is figuring out how many ticks there are before resizing the array.

int duration=900; //15 minutes



    for (int i=arraySize-1; i>1; i--)





while(currentTickTime < firstTickTime  + duration )

I am just stumped!!!

  1. Please edit your (original) post and use the CODE button (Alt-S)! (For large amounts of code, attach it.)
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  2.  for (int i=arraySize-1; i>1; i--) array[i]=array[i-1];
    No need to keep moving values and then updating array[0] (which your code doesn't do), just add the last to the enlarged array.
  3. xazarlx20: The main problem I have is figuring out how many ticks there are before resizing the array. I am just stumped!!!

    Perhaps you should read the manual. ArraySize/ArrayResize. You start with zero size, enlarge it by one for each tick. The size of the array is “how many ticks there are before.”
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Please edit your post and use the code button (Alt+S) when pasting code.
EDIT your original post, please do not just post the code properly in a new post.
int i=ArraySize(ticks);
while(--i > 0 && ticks[i].time + duration < currentTick.time);
ArrayResize(++i + 1);
while(--i >= 0)

Assuming you need an array of tick structs ordered newest first.

lippmaje: Assuming you need an array of tick structs ordered newest first.

Moving ticks up is unnecessary, even if you want that.

int i=ArraySize(ticks);
ArrayResize(ticks, i + 1);