Prevent MT4 from modifying the URL in link property when user click it - page 2

You may try a hash-tag, for example -

Yes, I confirm that by adding #fake tag, it works on both Paypal donate link (which has parameters) and (which do not).

Thanks marketeer and Ovo, you guys are brilliant :D. 

Budyanto Nurhalim #:

Yes, I confirm that by adding #fake tag, it works on both Paypal donate link (which has parameters) and (which do not).

Thanks marketeer and Ovo, you guys are brilliant :D. 


I had the same problem with the Paypal link. For me it somehow didn't work with adding #fake.

but i found a other solution. I did enter the paypal link into a URL shorter and addet that link into thee code. this workes fine.
