Trying to pass a function by reference to another function . Any help


I have been trying to pass a function by reference to another function but i think i must be doing it in the wrong manner . any quick help is well appreciated 

void OnTick()
     double a, b , c ;
     a = 0.0;
     b = 1;
     c = 0.0;

     // Trying to pass the function  f1_func to Function1  
     // but getting ERROR:  'f1_func' --  parameter passed by reference, variable expected.
     result =  Function1(f1_func,a,b,c);  // <=========== Error here 
     Print( "Result = " , result);


/* Definition of an arbitrary function with parameters */

struct general_function
    double params;
    double function(double x, double params);

inline double general_func_value(general_function &F, double x)
    return F.function(x,F.params);

double Function1(general_function &F, double start,int end,double a)
  double   myFuncVal, param1;
  param1    = start + end*((1-0.35)/0.35);
  myFuncVal = 2 * general_func_value(F, parma1);
  return (myFuncVal);

//=========Function to be passed by reference to Function1 in OnTick================

double f1_func(double x, double a)
        return log(x)/(a + 100.0*x*x);
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
Documentation on MQL5: Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Named Constants / Predefined Macro Substitutions
//| Expert initialization function                                   | //| Expert deinitialization function                                 | //| Expert tick function                                             | //| test1                                                            |...
typedef double(*TDblFunc)(double,double);

struct SDblFunc
   double            par;
   TDblFunc          function;

double Dblfunc(double x, double par)
   return MathPow(x,par);

int OnInit()
  SDblFunc sdf;
  Print(sdf.function(-1.0,sdf.par)); // -> 1.0

You need to work with typedef here.


You need to work with typedef here.

thanks that helped .