add urls to allow webrequest does not work


I hope anyone here can help.

this worked yesterday and every time, however from today, When I want to add a url in the 'allow webrequest for listed urls' area under 'expert advisor' under 'options' under 'tools', whenever I type in a new url, and click enter, it deleted the url, it took me 1 hour and still cannot add any url.

I added these before and added one url yesterday without problems. anyone knows why is this and what is the solution?

really appreciate any replies.


i have the same problem, how can it be solved?
holuck #:
i have the same problem, how can it be solved?
I have the same problem, please any help? 
Finger Man #: I have the same problem, please any help? 

Show your test code. Show a screenshot of the URL in the settings. Show the results in the log file.

Example configure with the ip and port server example:
add urls to allow webrequest does not work
add urls to allow webrequest does not work
  • 2020.08.30
I hope anyone here can help...