Are you one of the 5% that make money trading? - page 2


Q2 2014:

Exclusive: Q2 2014 US Profitability Report, OANDA and FXCM Knock off IB
Exclusive: Q2 2014 US Profitability Report, OANDA and FXCM Knock off IB
  • 2014.08.14
  • Ron Finberg
Q2 2014 US retail Forex profitability numbers and active non-discretionary account numbers have been made available to Forex Magnates. During the quarter, weighted profitability of US Forex traders was 39.5%, a 1.9% increase from Q1, a multi-year high for the report. Non-weighted broker average profitability was 37.9%, climbing 2.4% above the...
The percentage of profitable traders is higher than 5 percent. It all depends on how you count. For example, Citifx has about 40% of its traders in profits.
Higher than 5% ?  I suspect it is lower than 0.5% . . . unless you mean very short term ?  maybe considering on a daily or weekly basis . . .  yes anyone can be profitable for a day or a week . . .  how many can keep that going for years ?  IMO,  less than 1%
As far as the poll is running on the MQL5, it could be probably relevant to remember statistics of MQL5 champoinship. Here is one of the reports for 2012 and another for 2011.
Statistical Report #1 - Automated Trading Championship 2012
Let's sum up the results of the first month of the Automated Trading Championship 2012 and compare them with previous years' ones. Trading robots of 451 participants have been accepted for the competition. About 40% of them have profit as of November 1, 2012.