The signals do not work

I subscribed to a signal yesterday, but the trades the signal does not copy for me
Mohsen Safari:
I subscribed to a signal yesterday, but the trades the signal does not copy for me

Follow these instructions:  (MT4)  (MT5)

Eleni Anna Branou:

Follow these instructions:  (MT4)  (MT5)

thank you
The problem was fixed

Mohsen Safari:

thank you
The problem was fixed

But now there is another problem and that is signal delay

This delay is about 2 to 3 minutes and makes a big difference

Is there a way to fix this delay?

Mohsen Safari:

But now there is another problem and that is signal delay

This delay is about 2 to 3 minutes and makes a big difference

Is there a way to fix this delay?

If you've followed my instructions carefully, you shouldn't have any delays.

Check the slippage/deviation setting again.

Eleni Anna Branou:

If you've followed my instructions carefully, you shouldn't have any delays.

Check the slippage/deviation setting again.

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