Refresh Template by X-Minute


I want to APPLY TEMPLATE by every X-Minute automatically. Is it possible programatically?

I am using a Indicator, which generates ARROWs, but sometimes that indicator repaints, so if we refresh template, latest position will be more clear.

  1. Perhaps you should read the manual.
              Chart Operations / ChartApplyTemplate - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
  2. Fix the broken indicator.
William Roeder:
  1. Perhaps you should read the manual.
              Chart Operations / ChartApplyTemplate - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
  2. Fix the broken indicator.

Thanks a lot Mr.William..

I tried this option and used it. But its for TO APPLY CHART TEMPLATE in all opened Blank charts at one click. It does not refresh by X-Minute.

Do you really expect an answer? We can't see your broken code. There are no mind readers here and our crystal balls are cracked.