MT4 Build 1220 Bug Report: "union" seems not working correctly


I have a union definition like this, but the values seems not working correctly:

union UDouble
        double _double;
        uchar _uchar[ 8 ];
        ushort _ushort[ 4 ];
        short _short[ 4 ];
        uint _uint[ 2 ];
        int _int[ 2 ];
        long _long;
        ulong _ulong;

When I try to set "_uchar[ 8 ]" and get the value from "_ulong", something weird happened.

        UDouble ul;
        int len = StringLen( symName ) - 1;

        if ( len > 8 ) len = 8;

        ul._long = 0;

        //The "ul._ulong" is equal to 0 still okay

        int o = StringToCharArray( symName, ul._uchar, 0, len );

        //But After the StringToCharArray(), the "ul._long" is keeping 0, but the "ul._ulong" has been changed.

The "_long" or "_ulong" will be keeping 0 after the function "StringToCharArray()" if I clear it before, but the other one will be correct value.

For example, if I set the "_long" to 0, after calling "StringToCharArray()", the "_ulong" will be new correct value, but the "_long" is still 0.

And If I set the "_ulong" to 0, after calling "StringToCharArray()", the "_long" will be new correct value, but the "_ulong" is still 0.

And what is the value of "symName" ?
Alain Verleyen:
And what is the value of "symName" ?
"EURUSD", "AUDUSD"...etc.