How to confirm breakout trades with volume in code?



Many professional traders recommend using volume to confirm breakouts. They say one can confirm a breakout when there is a spike in volume. I am looking to test this in an ea but can't translate it into code exactly. Now, how would one quantify a "spike" to put implement this in code? When price breaks out of a defined range, I tried taking indicator volume value at shift 1 and indicator volume value at shift 2, and if shift 1 value is higher than shift 2 then this means that volume has increased. This increase can be called a "spike" but this results in many fakeouts. Or is trading breakouts strictly a discretionary technique?

Dwaine Hinds:


Many professional traders recommend using volume to confirm breakouts. They say one can confirm a breakout when there is a spike in volume. I am looking to test this in an ea but can't translate it into code exactly. Now, how would one quantify a "spike" to put implement this in code? When price breaks out of a defined range, I tried taking indicator volume value at shift 1 and indicator volume value at shift 2, and if shift 1 value is higher than shift 2 then this means that volume has increased. This increase can be called a "spike" but this results in many fakeouts. Or is trading breakouts strictly a discretionary technique?

I doubt MT5 gives real volume values. Perhaps volume data the broker or a selected liquidity provider. Confirm this with your broker.

Like MT4, I think MT5 just shows the number of ticks arrived (number of price updates). I'm not sure if this data can be used to confirm breakouts. I read somewhere of people using volume data from forex futures obtained from a third party vendor


I am ware that I will not get real volume data in forex because it's so decentralized. I am ok with tick volume because its better than nothing. I have reconstructed an indicator to give volume weighted moving average and its working alright.

Volume_Weighted_MA.mq4 :

//|                                           Volume_Weighted_MA.mq4 |
//|                                                      MT4 TO |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Community TO"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_separate_window//indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 DeepPink

extern string               aSymbol = "";
extern ENUM_TIMEFRAMES      ChartTimeframe=0;
extern int                  Period_MA=21;
extern ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   Price_MA = PRICE_MEDIAN; //Price type
//extern int  Price_MA=PRICE_MEDIAN;
extern int                  Shift=1;

double MABuffer[];
double Vol[1];
//|                                                                  |
int init()


//|                                                                  |
int start()
   int limit;
   int j,i;
   double sum;
   double Price;

   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
   if(counted_bars==0) limit-=Period_MA;

     for(i=Shift; i<limit; i++)//for(i=0; i<limit; i++)

//|                                                                  |
double get_price(int num,int applied_price,string asymbol,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES acharttimeframe)
      case  PRICE_CLOSE    :  return (iClose(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num));//return(Close[num]);
      case  PRICE_OPEN     :  return (iOpen(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num));//return(Open[num]);
      case  PRICE_HIGH     :  return (iHigh(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num));//return(High[num]);
      case  PRICE_LOW      :  return (iLow(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num));//return(Low[num]);
      case  PRICE_MEDIAN   :  return ( (iHigh(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num) + iLow(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num))/2 );//return((High[num]+Low[num])/2);
      case  PRICE_TYPICAL  :  return ( (iHigh(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num) + iLow(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num) + iClose(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num))/3 );//return((High[num]+Low[num]+Close[num])/3);
      case  PRICE_WEIGHTED :  return ( (iHigh(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num) + iLow(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num) + iClose(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num) + iClose(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num))/4 );//return((High[num]+Low[num]+Close[num]+Close[num])/4);
      default              :  return ( (iHigh(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num) + iLow(asymbol,acharttimeframe,num))/2 );//return((High[num]+Low[num])/2);


//|                                               VWMA_Indicator.mqh |
//|                        Copyright 2019, Everybodys' Software Corp. |
//|                              |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, Everybodys' Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property strict

// iVWMA                                                            
 This gets the current volume weighted moving average value.
double iVWMA(string vSymbol, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES vChartTimeframe, int vPeriod, ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE vAppliedPrice, int vShift)
 double vwma=0;
 vwma = iCustom(vSymbol,vChartTimeframe,"Volume_Weighted_MA",vSymbol,vChartTimeframe,vPeriod,vAppliedPrice,vShift,0,vShift);
 return vwma;
// End of iVWMA                                                             

Example usage of 20 period:

double aVWMA1 = iVWMA(NULL,0,20,PRICE_MEDIAN,1);//shift 1 volume weighted moving average

This indicator does not have a problem I am aware of. Hoping someone could provide alternative ways of confirming breakouts.

MQL4: automated forex trading, strategy tester and custom indicators with MetaTrader
MQL4: automated forex trading, strategy tester and custom indicators with MetaTrader
MQL4: automated forex trading, strategy tester and custom indicators with MetaTrader