Tell Me How to Share EA Strategy/Profit?


Hello guys,

A lot of traders who don't know to write a code may have great ideas about EA's strategies, however, they are afraid to share it with coders as those ea ideas might be theft and sold by the coder himself.

Is there any protocol to share the profit of selling an EA between the author and the coder?

Thanks :)


I do not think the coders care about ideas for trying to remember them to sell ...
Because there are a lot of ideas ... and every coder may get sev eral ideas in a day ... every day ...

And there are raw ideas and elaborated ideas, and there are private development and public development.

Example - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Can't Find Any Profitable EA on MQL5 in past 5 years.

Sergey Golubev, 2019.04.14 08:26

There are Raw Ideas, and it is about the following: "I attach indicators to the chart and see that it may be profitable".

There are Elaborated/Proven Ideas. It is about the following: the user was trading his indicators' setup during the several days/or weeks/or months on demo account (and, in some cases - on real/live account). I am not talking about backtesting. Raw idea became to be a Elaborated Idea by trading (at least - on demo).

Why to trade? To define the trading rules, and to know: when the system will let you win, and when you will lose by using this system (and why).

  • Some people prefer to do it (to trade to get the proof that their ideas are profitable ideas) in public threads
    by the following steps:
    - posting raw idea on the forum, with the indicators uploaded to the thread, and
    - trading with one broker,
    - trading with the other broker,
    - elaborate the rules of the system, and
    - ask for coders to code the proven profitable elaborated idea),
    - after that - receive EA based on this system (some coders may code for free using the public threads; some coders will never code for free ... up to them),
    - optimize the settings,
    - find the settings for some timeframes and more. Many people prefer to post/upload everything (incl final results as the EA for example) on their public threads.
  • The other people are doing privately (with no one can see it). In this case - we all do not believe in his results and do not trust him in general (because we have no idea about how he achieved the results, and we should be fully sure that his profitable system is not fake one ... but we are not sure because we do not know him in pertson and we do not trust any his word any his system).
  • And the other people do not do anything. They just ask: "did you finish your great job here? did you spend your money to find the settings, did you spend your time to trade this manuall system on demo or live, right? So, for now - you should give this profitable EA to me and explain all your system to me (for free of course!)".