Scripts: s-Downloader (SingleTF, AllSymbols)


s-Downloader (SingleTF, AllSymbols):

The script downloads the historical quotes data of a single timeframe for all symbols in the market watch.

s-Downloader (SingleTF, AllSymbols)

Author: amrali 

s-Downloader (SingleTF, AllSymbols)
s-Downloader (SingleTF, AllSymbols)
The script downloads the historical quotes data of a single timeframe for all symbols in the market watch. This is convenient to conduct more backtesting on a single timeframe that you usually work with. Also, it can be useful when you work with other symbols different from the current chart symbol. The method of emulating pressing "Home...
cost this Scripts? 
cost this Scripts? 

It's a free download as are all in the Codebase.

Where are the downloaded files saved? and how to get them on excel?
It would be nice if there was an version (AllTF, AllSymbols)